Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
The Journal of Cold Regions Engineering publishes practice- and research-oriented articles from any area of civil engineering that is substantially related to cold regions. Topics include ice engineering,...

Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
The Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities attempts to improve the quality of the constructed product through interdisciplinary communication. Papers examine the causes and costs of failures...

Evaluation of Small Hydropower Sites in Ghana, Africa
Six potential small sites and one mini site under construction were visited. Two additional potential sites were identified from map studies. Flow duration studies indicated that with...

Developmental Changes Due to Site Investigations
The Winooski Hydroelectric Company of Montpelier, Vermont is conducting the reconstruction of Dam #8 on the Winooski River in East Montpelier, Vermont. Unprecedented eminent domain proceedings...

Hydroelectric Development on the Illinois Waterway
The feasibility studies and FERC License Applications were completed in August and September, 1983 for three hydroelectric projects on the Illinois Waterway at existing U. S. Army Corps...

Thailand Micro/Mini Hydroelectric Project
The Royal Thai Government is attempting to systematically develop economically attractive indigenous hydropower resources through the Micro/Mini Hydroelectric Project. Initially six experimental...

Overcoming Obstacles to Micro-Hydropower in Developing Countries
This paper presents some examples of approaches to reducing the cost and sophistication of micro-hydropower technology to make this technology more readily accessible, economically attractive,...

The Pelican, Alaska Hydroelectric Station
In August 1983 Pelican Cold Storage directed KPL to install a new 600 kW turbine, synchronous generator, controls and penstock transition section. This new equipment was to fit upon the...

Installation and Startup of the Idaho Falls Bulb Units
The Idaho Falls Low-Head Hydroelectric Demonstration Project consists of the redevelopment of three existing power plants using identical bulb turbines and generators. This paper summarizes...

A Marine Thruster in Small Scale Hydropower
A 70 kW hydroelectric plant utilizing a marine thruster as a turbine was commissioned in May, 1985. The thruster, the construction management, the site conditions and the testing program...

Development of Two Plants on California Canals
The projects utilize the head drop between canals on the system of the Central California Irrigation District (CCID. ) The projects utilize the elevation difference between the District's...

Construction Management of Small Hydro Projects
A major driving force in the small hydro industry is the corps of private entrepreneurs actively engaged in the development of small hydro projects. While many of these developers are...

Re-Use of Civil Structures Make Norway Hydro Possible
Utilization of abandoned civil facilities made the addition of 1,800 KW to an operating 3,200 KW hydro plant of the City of Norway, Michigan Light and Power feasible. Work consisted of...

Crooke's Falls Small Hydro: A Case History
The paper discusses the background, financing, licensing and other aspects of hydroelectric power plant development at Crooke's Falls, Colorado....

The Cherokee Falls Hydroelectric Project
The 4 MW Cherokee Falls Hydroelectric Project is located near Gaffney, South Carolina, at the existing Cherokee Falls dam at mile 102 on the Broad River. The work involves constructing...

The Ruedi Project?A Case Study
Ruedi Dam is a 285' high earthfill structure constructed in 1968 by the Bureau of Reclamation as part of the Fryingpan-Arkansas Transmountain Diversion Project. In November...

Non-Federal Hydropower Development at Federal Facilities
The opportunities are available for meaningful coordination among hydropower developers, consulting engineers, and Federal, State, and local agencies to promote comprehensive development...

Hydropower on the Arkansas?A Non-Federal Development
In 1980, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC) filed preliminary permit applications with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for developing the hydropower potential at...

Non-Federal Development at Corps Projects: Ohio River Division Experience
The paper presents the recent experience of the Ohio River Division of the Corps of Engineers (ORD) in non-federal development of the hydropower potential at existing Corps projects under...

Non-Federal Development at a Federal Dam: A Case Study
The 2. 8 MW Mt. Elbert Conduit Hydropower Project, developed by STS Energenics Ltd. Inc. , will begin operation mid-October, 1985. The powerhouse has been constructed and the turbine and...





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