Microprocessor-Based Motorist Aid Systems
Motorist aid systems (MAS's) currently being built under a state legislated program in California are fully exploiting the benefits of microprocessor technology. This technology...

U.S. Geological Survey DLG-3 and Bureau of the Census TIGER Data: Development and GIS Applications
The U.S. Geological Survey has been actively developing digital cartographic and geographic data and standards since the early 1970's. One product is Digital Line Graph data, which offer...

Synthetic O-D Microcomputer Trip Table Packages
Three microcomputer models for synthetic estimation of origin-destination trip tables are compared based on theoretical foundations, implementability, and operating performances. Each...

World Bank's HDM-PC: A Microcomputer Aid for Road Planning and Management
HDM-PC, a microcomputer adaptation of the mainframe Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM-III), is a powerful analytical tool for the engineering-economic evaluation of road...

Economic Analysis of Local Highway Maintenance
This paper presents a computer program which uses the present worth of life-cycle costs as a basis to select the most cost-effective maintenance strategy to apply to local highway pavements....

Database Network for Innovative Maintenance Operations
This paper provides a summary of the main documentation supporting users of the MAINeT Highway Maintenance Innovations Network. More specifically, the paper explains how to: - find, review,...

A Microcomputer Based Pavement Design Program
This paper describes a newly developed pavement design program. The performance of a number of pavement structures are projected over the analysis period. Structurally adequate designs...

Structuring a Microcomputer Based Pavement Management System to Enhance the Probability of Adoption and Continued Use
Diffusion of innovation concepts were used to help structure a microcomputer based pavement management system (PMS) for use by local agency public works personnel in the San Francisco...

The Financial Analysis of a Transportation Project on a Microcomputer
The economics of a future rail transit project are analyzed. Pro forma financial statements are constructed to the year 2002. A number of financial ratios are examined to assess the project's...

A Microcomputer Methodology for Parsimoniously Structuring a Set of Activities
The paper develops a systematic methodology to aid in the identification and rapid structuring of a system of activities. In essence, the user is asked to supply only the names of the...

A User-Friendly Capital Programming Tool for Highway Maintenance Districts
The Roads and Waterways Administration of Finland is developing a microcomputer system, called the Project Analysis System (PAS), to help district engineers in their annual preparation...

An Airport Economic Impacts Model
The paper discusses the development of a basic airport economic impacts model that could be used by any airport. The model was set up on a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet, and requires input information...

Microcomputer Financial Planning for Transportation
This paper describes the development, testing, and application of a microcomputer financial analysis model called the Transit and Highway Revenues and Improvement Forecasting Templates...

Scheduling Fixed Route Bus Services Using Simulation
The paper discusses the development and applications of a Monte Carlo simulation Program (BUS - MONITOR) for estimating and evaluating the quality of service of fixed route, many to many...

InTransit: Processing and Analyzing Transit Service Data with the Macintosh
InTransit is a database application based on 4th Dimension designed to facilitate the data processing and analysis phases. InTransit, in its present form, can process both ridecheck and...

Transit Route Planning Using Data Downloaded from UTPS
A comprehensive evaluation of alternative bus routing and service patterns was recently performed for the Alameda-Contra Costa (AC) Transit District, the principal public transit operator...

A Matching Algorithm That Eliminates the Need for Radio Signposts in Automatic Passenger Counters on Buses
Volumes of raw data collected using the Automatic Data Aquisition system are useless until they can be processed and transformed into meaningful reports and plots. This is done using a...

GRREATdB - GRaphic Roadway Editor and Analysis Tool
This paper describes the development and use of a tool to link textual databases to road network-based interactive graphics. Advantages of the system are discussed. The GRREATdB program...

Computerized Transportation/Financial Planning Processes
The Computerized Transportation/Financial Planning Process (CTFP) comprises a battery of programs that collectively form a valuable growth management tool. CTFP incorporates four spreadsheet...

Incorporating Risk Analysis Into Spreadsheet Forecasts
The risk analysis technique presented overcomes the difficulties of sensitivity analysis by entering key input variables as probability distributions, rather than as discreet values. Using...





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