The Stabilization of Minidoka Powerplant and Dam
The rehabilitation of structures can pose numerous challenges to the engineer. The structure historical preservation, the benefit cost ratio of the rehabilitation, and the stability of...

Seismic Analysis of the Bonneville 1st Powerhouse
The Bonneville 1st powerhouse monoliths were constructed during the period of 1938 to 1942 and were designed against seismic loads using the old lateral coefficient method. The Corps of...

Estimating Uplift in Cracks in Concrete Dams
Results are presented of a three year research program on the modeling of uplift pressures in cracks in concrete gravity dams, and the effectiveness of drains in reducing those pressures....

Dam Stabilization/Modification at Lighthouse Hill and Schuylerville Hydropower Developments
Remedial measures including posttensioning of concrete structures, earth dike armoring, tainter gate modification and replacement of deteriorated concrete to meet federal and state hydraulic...

Analysis and Stabilization of Ambursen Dams?Two Case Studies
Case studies are presented about the analysis and rehabilitation of two slab-and-buttress (Ambursen) dams. The paper discusses the investigation techniques used, including sampling of...

The Replacement of Penstocks at TVA Ocoee II Power Plant
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) replaced the steel penstocks at its Ocoee II power plant near Ocoee, Tennessee. A total replacement was necessary because of severe corrosion on the...

Rehabilitation of the Dams at the Crescent and Vischer Ferry Hydroelectric Projects
This paper reviews the dam rehabilitation design and construction techniques used at the New York Power Authority's Crescent and Vischer Ferry Dams. The following are the...

Outlet Works Modifications at Abiquiu Dam
For the installation of a hydroelectric project at the Corps of Engineer's Abiquiu Dam in New Mexico, outlet works modifications that would not affect the structural integrity,...

Civil Design of the Sidney A. Murray Jr. Hydroelectric Station
This paper addresses the general civil design of the Sidney A Murry Jr Hydroelectric Station with special emphasis on the design requirements of the project's unconventional...

Avoiding Vibration in Penstocks
One objective of this paper is to indicate the potential sources of pressure pulsations within a hydraulic conduit system and the range of forcing frequencies associated with these sources....

Prefabricated Power Plants, Experience and Prospects
This paper presents the prefabrication concept applied to the Greenup (Greenup Locks and Dam, Ohio River, 72 MW, 1982) and the Sydney A. Murray, Jr. (Old River Control Structures, Vidalia,...

Manasan Ice Control Structure Rehabilitation & Bypass Designs
Ice control works built on the Burntwood River at Manasan Falls were damaged during the 1985 spring break-up. The ice boom had broken and the lowered pond level indicated that the rockfill...

Through-Flow Analysis for Rockfill Dam Stability Evaluations
Existing rockfill dams may have spillways that are not adequate to pass the current probable maximum flood (PMF), having been designed prior to the publication of the latest Hydrometeorological...

Frazil Ice Problems and Solutions at Hydro-Power Intakes
Active and passive frazil ice effects on hydroelectric plant intake design and operation are described and references are provided. The most frequently encountered problems and the basic...

Modernization of the Schoolfield Dam Hydroelectric Powerhouse
This case study describes the retrofitting of a turn-of-the-century powerhouse with modern turbine/generator equipment. The structure consists of numerous turbine bays separated by massive...

Rehabilitation of Dams, Spillways, and Hydroplants
Many older dams are in need of rehabilitation as a result of aging, deterioration, and more stringent safety standards. Concerns include deterioration of original construction materials,...

Dewatering Using a Floating Bulkhead Proves Flexible, Reusable and Cost Effective
Going beyond a traditional bulkhead dropped in place with a barge crane or crane hoist, a steel floating bulkhead was conceived to dewater powerplant intakes, gated spillway bays or outlet...

Dillon Hydroelectric Project Performance Versus Expectations
The Dillon Hydroelectric Project was commissioned in 1987. Design and construction are briefly described; plant availability is compared with design expectations; and maintenance costs...

Fish Bypass System Mathematical Models
Mathematical models for fish diversion systems based on fish behavior in conjunction with diversion system structural and hydraulic properties are developed. Guidance efficiency is described...

Turbines and Pump Turbines for Ultra High Heads
The paper describes the turbine development in Norway as background for high head turbine technology and shows a typical Norwegian high head Francis as an example. High head reversible...





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