Impoundment Design for Precious Metal Tailings
An engineering study and design of impoundments for the disposal of mill tailings in central Nevada is presented. Mill process waste is generated as flotation tailings and cyanide residue....
Field Scale Solidification/Stabilization of Hazardous Wastes
The selection of appropriate remedial action measures only takes place after a full evaluation of all feasible alternatives. An alternative to off site disposal is solidification/stabilization...
Variable Leachate Treatment System: A Cast Study
This paper explores the experience of the authors in collecting data and designing leachate collection and treatment facilities at municipal sanitary landfills over the last several years....
Detection of Leakage Through Subsurface Barriers Using Guided Acoustic Waves
The primary method for preventing hazardous liquid and leachates from entering the groundwater is the use of a physical barrier. These barriers are susceptible to a number of mechanisms...
A Rule-Base Inference System for Liner/Waste Compatibility
Determining the chemical compatibility of a liner material for containment of wastes rests mainly on the application of expert opinion to interpret the results of short-term immersion...
Evaluation of PVC Bottom Linear From an Existing Landfill Located in a Subtropical Climate
Remedial action to curtail leachate seepage on a sanitary landfill located in a subtropical climate included the attachment of new PVC liner to an existing 20 mil PVC liner which has been...
Anaerobic Treatment of Phenol: Degradability, Toxicity and Kinetics
Anaerobic biodegradation of phenol was demonstrated at up to 1000 mg/L in batch serum bottle studies and 1900 mg/L in anaerobic filters. In batch serum bottle studies, concentrations of...
Treatment of the Wastewater From the Alkaline Cooking of Maize in an RBC System
The liquid waste resulting from cooking and washing of maize is called nejayote or nexayote. The soluble COD concentration of this waste ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 mg/l. In an effort...
Land Treatment of API Separator Sludge
An extensive research project was undertaken to establish design and operational guidelines for treatment of oily sludge using land treatment systems. Forty-five test plots were established...
Land Treatment of Refinery Wastes
The authors discuss: waste characteristics; land treatment; and cost comparison with incineration....
Program for Control of Petroleum Refinery Wastewater
The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (LACSD) provide wastewater treatment services to approximately four million residents and eight thousand industrial companies. Large and...
Maintenance Management for a Large Urban Waterworks System
The Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) owns and operates a water distribution system consisting of 86,000 customer accounts and 1,100 miles of water mains. In 1984, BWSC initiated...
Relating Water Treatment Problems to O & M Factors
The author discusses the operations and maintenance factors that must be considered in dealing with water treatment problems....
Environmental Infrastructure: Does Civil Engineering Education Meet the Challenge?
The author explores some avenues for re-direction of the civil engineering education process to become more responsive to the needs of infrastructure re-development in the areas of water...
A Stepwise Approach to Environmental Systems Maintenance Management
This paper provides a systematic approach to establishing a maintenance management program for environmental infrastructure. It begins by discussing the definition of program objectives,...
Quantifying the Exposure
Methods of categorizing and modeling of exposure will be presented. The use of modeling for the estimation of population exposure will also be examined and some errors inherent with such...
Operations, Maintenance & Cost Comparisons of Three Dewatering Devices
The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission's Wastewater Treatment Plant in Minneapolis/St. Paul has demonstrated that two new innovative sludge dewatering pocesses, namely,...
Belt Filter Operation and Maintenance Survey (ASCE-WPMC Subcommittee Report)
This report summarizes the results of a national survey of municipal wastewater plant belt press installations conducted by an ASCE Task Committee in 1984. Data from 106 installations...
Lime Sludge Lagoon Dewatering Using a Mobile Belt Filter Press
A major company was faced with the removal of 2100 cubic yards of lime sludge stored in three lagoons. Because the sludge contained relatively high concentrations of tin and nickel, it...
Optimization of Variable Volume Diaphragm Filter Presses
The St. Paul, MN, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Wastewater Treatment Plant has installed and operated eight variable volume diaphragm filter presses for four years. During this...
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