Crown Corporation Approach to Watershed Management
On July 1, 1984, the Government of Saskatchewan proclaimed the Water Corporation Act. The Act formed the legislative basis for the newly formed Saskatchewan Water Corporation and ushered...
Tools for Managing Army Training Lands
Army land managers and planners are responsible for managing large, diverse parcels of training land for sustained use. The highly variable but often destructive training requires a systematic...
Modelling Transpiration of Subalpine Trees in the Central Rocky Mountains
Forest evapotranspiration (ET) has long been recognized to be a major component in the mass water balance of subalpine watersheds in the central Rocky Mountains. In recent years, research...
Chaparral Watershed Management: A Systems Approach
The predicted environmental and economic effects of partial chaparral conversion for increased water yield on an experimental watershed in the Prescott National Forest, Arizona, are examined...
Mass. Municipal Watershed Management?Case Study
Most of the estimated 200,000 acres of municipally-owned watershed land in Massachusetts currently suffers from a lack of wise, multiple-use forest management which has resulted in lost...
An Annual Water Balance for a Surface Mining Overburden Waste Embankment
The embankment contained a volume of 257 thousand cubic yards and resulted from a phosphate surface mining operation in southeastern Idaho. The elevation of the embankment is about 7500...
Simulation of Hillslope Hydrologic Response to Snowmelt in Southwestern Idaho
A two-dimensional, variably saturated porous media flow model was applied to vertical hillslope cross section on a first order study basin in southwestern Idaho. The dominant source of...
Santa Barbara Hydrograph with Green-Ampt Infiltration
Numerous models are available to estimate rainfall-induced runoff from watersheds. The leading criteria in model selection is often reproducibility. Models that are reproducible are often...
The Improved SCS TR-20 Network Watershed Model
SCS Technical Release 20, 'Computer Program for Project Formulation - Hydrology' (TR-20), has been revised. Major revisions include new procedures for hydrograph...
Evaluation of Runoff Prediction Using Synthetic Rainfall and CREAMS
Of all the climatological data, rainfall is the variable to which a watershed responds most significantly. The amount and sequence of occurrence of rainfall are most important in the prediction...
Validation of SWRRB?A Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins
The three major components of SWRRB are weather, hydrology, and sedimentation. Processes considered include surface runoff, return flow, percolation, evapotranspiration, transmission losses,...
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds (Revised 1985)
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release 55, was first issued by the Soil Conservation Service in January 1975. It is a guide for SCS field personnel for estimating hydraulic...
Modeling Streamflow Response from Minnesota Peatlands
A deterministic, continuous simulation model was developed to predict the effects of peatland development on streamflow. The Peatland Hydrologic Impact Model is largely physically based...
Landslide Hazard Rating for the Oregon Coast Range
The landslide hazard rating system for shallow soils on steep terrain over hard sandstone has three components: ground water response to precipitation, soil shear strength (including root...
Synthetic Unit Hydrographs for Ozark Watersheds
Few concepts in modern hydrology have been more widely used and abused than unit hydrograph theory. Nevertheless, during the years since its introduction in 1932 as an extension of the...
Simulation of Natural Resource Systems
Desertification, defined as the loss in productive capacity of the land, has spawned research in decision making involving multi-objective situations. In this study, computer simulation...
Predicting Forest Snow Water Equivalent
In California, the snowpack of the Sierra Nevada provides more than one-third of the state's water needs. Regression models used to forecast this supply do not include measurement...
Assessing Risks of Impaired Hydrologic Function
This paper describes the rationale and use of a 'resource tolerance' to evaluate hydrologic function and presents a method to establish a relative tolerance threshold...
Soil Movement and Surface Roughness on Wyoming Rangelands
Soil movement and surface roughness parameters were evaluated as a function of response to livestock grazing and semiarid shrub control treatments. Repeated elevation measurements of erosion...
Erosion, Productivity and Rangeland Watershed Planning
The Bureau of Land Management is responsible for the management of over 160 million acres of rangeland in the western United States. The principal uses of these rangelands are the grazing...
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