Financing the Golden Gate Bridge?Past and Present
This paper discusses the financial side of the project, which was a very innovative solution that provided federal revenue not only for the Bridge Redecking Project, but more importantly...
Infrastructure Awareness: Successful Techniques
The need to rehabilitate and upgrade our infrastructure systems, specifically the systems of water supply and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, bridges, highways and mass...
Getting Started
The need for increased funding for infrastructure maintenance and rehabilitation is a well recognized problem at all levels of government. Obtaining those funds has proven a difficult...
The National Infrastructure Act
Today, more than ever before, the United States faces a serious problem related to the condition and adequacy of its basic infrastructure - surface transportation, water supply and distribution,...
Legislating for Infrastructure Investment
It is apparent that today's infrastructure problems require innovative solutions reflecting national spending trends, the size of the federal budget deficit, and individual...
Carrier Selection under the Airline Deregulation Act
The two major segments of the domestic airline system in the United States, the trunklines and the local service airlines, have, over the years, been regulated by the federal government;...
Micros Go Afield
Taking microcomputers into the field is boosting productivity at construction sites and other field offices. Four examples presented in this article include an owner calculating payments...
Learning From Failure
Innovative engineering design involves assumptions about the future use and behavior of a structure. By understanding and learning from the infrequent but spectacular large failures, engineers...
Trouble in Our Own Back Yard
One million tanks will leak toxic and hazardous substances into the U.S. soil within the next four years. Prevention begins with rapid discovery and probability analysis. Various cleanup...
Carbon Columns: Success at Last
The first large scale application of carbon columns for municipal wastewater treatment has been operating for two years. The columns were designed as part of a program to upgrade an out...
Quality Control: A Neglected Factor
Quality in construction is too important to leave to chance. A project quality control plan would begin by incorporating testing and inspecting requirements into the specifications. Engineers...
Frame Moments with the Takabeya Method
The Takabeya method of frame analysis, based on the same slope-deflection equations as the Hardy-Cross system, has the advantage of requiring much less memory and fewer computations than...
Rationalizing Land Records, Mapping, Planning
The way land records are kept and used in cities and counties is outmoded. The same is true for base mapping and land use planning. The computer is helping streamline all three, as is...
How Do Engineers Learn to Manage?
Most engineers prefer design problems to management problems, but if a firm is to prosper, project managers must learn to manage and devote time to management. Earth Technology Corporation...
China Builds Record Bridge
China's Hanjiang Railway Bridge has a 1,000 ft (305 m) long main box girder and is the longest bridge of its type in the world. The steel box girder bridge is built with a...
The Pursuit of Quality: QA/QC
Quality assurance and quality control programs are mandated for many federally-funded construction projects. The private sector is also increasingly requiring such programs. The terms...
Design of Strontia Springs Arch Dam
The development of the layout and the history of design of the 292 foot (89 m) high Strontia Springs Dam is presented. While a brief description of the general project layout and foundation...
Geology of the Strontia Springs Arch Dam
Precambrian metamorphic gneisses comprised the foundation rock at Strontia Springs Damsite. Geologic exploration at the axis selected for the arch dam revealed a large shear zone which...
Geotechnical Aspects of Strontia Springs Arch Dam
The bedrock at the Strontia Springs damsite consists of generally excellent quality granitic and metamorphic rock, except for a wide shear zone located beneath the dam in the lower valley...
Hydraulic Design of the Strontia Springs Diversion Dam
The hydraulic features which were of primary significance for the project were the diversion tunnel and spillway. The low-level outlet valves and water-supply intake were relatively straight-forward...
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