Measurement and Analysis of Hydraulic Conductivity Variability of a Heterogeneous Aquifer
The spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity of a shallow alluvial aquifer was investigated using borehole flowmeter measurements. The study was conducted at the site of a large-scale...

Slug Test: Double-Porosity, Linear Boundary, and Variable Storage Effects
The intention of this paper is to focus on three aspects of the slug test that are not as familiar as the main analysis techniques: the effects of double-porosity formations, the effects...

Prematurely Terminated Slug Tests?A Field Application
Slug tests suffer problems of non-uniqueness to a greater extent than other well tests. Alternatively, a prematurely terminated slug test (PTST) or a systematized drillstem test is proposed,...

A Preliminary Evaluation of Model Uncertainty Given Parameter Sensitivity for Select Transport Codes
The ever-increasing use of mathematical models in groundwater management has raised concerns as to uncertainties associated with their abilities to simulate real-world pollution problems....

Groundwater Modeling with GIS: An Example
The versatility and widespread usage of a geographic information system (GIS) as a hydrological modeling tool is only now showing up in the literature. In this regard, a research team...

Operational Procedures for Estimating Bottom Exchange Rates
After briefly reviewing the terminology of the various bottom and water column exchange fluxes, the body of this paper summarizes five possible procedures for establishing operational...

Evaluation of Embankment Erosion at TVA's Chickamauga Project
Studies were made to evaluate the extent of erosion to be expected under probable maximum flood (PMF) conditions. The erosion studies were made using the EMBANK computer program. The results...

Hydraulic Features of Flexible Curtains Used for Selective Withdrawal
Flexible curtain barriers are being investigated as a way to modify power penstock intakes to achieve selective withdrawal. The curtain barrier controls the elevation from which water...

Bridge Scour Vulnerability Assessment
Although the failure of the New York Throughway bridge over Schoharie Creek in 1987 has focused national attention on scour related failures, other failures reinforce the need for implementing...

A National Bridge Scour Data Collection Program
A study to collect and analyze field measurements of bridge scour is being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. The primary objective...

The Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Hydroturbine Analysis
Prospects of developing comprehensive methods of computational fluid dynamics for the analysis and design of new generation of hydroturbines are considered. Unique requirements for this...

Dam Break Analysis for a Series of Dams Using the HEC-1 and DAMBRK Computer Programs
The HEC-1 and DAMBRK computer programs were developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) [3] and by the National Weather Service (NWS) [4], respectively....

Preliminary Recommendations from the Task Committee on Standards in Hydraulics
The Task Committee on Standards in Hydraulics has been given the responsibility of recommending whether or not the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) should formulate standards...

Redondo Beach Thermal Study
Thermal tests were conducted in a 3D physical model of Redondo Beach King Harbor to simulate power plant cooling water intake and discharge into the harbor. Tests were conducted to determine...

Design of a Stratified Cooling Channel
Cooling ponds are used for managing waste heat discharges. Cooling ponds are, however, expensive to construct and operate. A cooling channel is studied as an alternative means of managing...

A Microcomputer-Based System for Two-Dimensional Flow Modeling
An integrated, microcomputer-based system has been developed for simulation of two-dimensional, unsteady, free surface flows. The system consists of a finite-element mesh generation code,...

Tracking Cold Water in a Large Reservoir System
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Environmental River Resource Aid (TERRA) is a computer workstation graphics display that tracks environmental variables in the power service area....

A Review of Modeling and Analysis Approaches for Optimization of Reservoir System Operations
Numerous mathematical models have been developed for sizing reservoir storage capacities and establishing operating policies during project planning, for reevaluating the operating policies...

PC Versatility in Modern Hydraulic Laboratory Data Acquisition Systems
Recent and newly emerging developments in low cost (personal) computing have enabled engineers to implement sophisticated data collection and analysis techniques on computing platforms...

Data Acquisition Systems for IBM Compatible System
Portable data acquisition systems composed of IBM compatible PC/XT/AT computers and analog to digital conversion cards can be configured with relative ease. These systems have the flexibility...





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