Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Grout Movement
This paper describes the acoustic emission (AE) method in general, and in particular the AE system which holds significant promise in this regard. Used was a multichannel AE system which...

Grout Slurries?Thick or Thin?
In this paper some recent experiences in dam grouting in several countries are discussed where bentonite or Intraplast additives were used to control sedimentation, viscosity, grout density,...

Noise and Air Blast from Construction Blasting
Noise generated by construction blasting differs from other construction noise because of its frequency content. The audible high frequency portion is accompanied by a non audible, lower...

Mathematical Modeling of Ground Water Flow
Many numerical algorithms for ground water flow models have been published and are available in computer software packages. It is the job of the ground water specialist to select an appropriate...

Simulation of Groundwater Flows in Leaky Multi-Layered Aquifer
A newly developed computational methodology for simulating the groundwater flows in multi-layered aquifer is presented. The model is based on the finite element method following the Galerkin's...

Analysis of Unsaturated Flow Beneath a Landfill
Using the linearized theory of flow in unsaturated porous media, a mathematical model was developed to study the distribution and extent of unsaturated flow from a source of infiltration...

Groundwater Models: Converting Research Developments into Practical Applications
One method of bridging the gap between code developer and code applier is through separate user-friendly computer programs called preprocessors that prepare data before execution of the...

Computer-Aided Drought Operations
A simulated drought operations exercise is conducted annually in the Washington, D. C. area. Local water supply utilities work with the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin...

Modeling a Water Distribution System
Problems encountered in modeling the water distribution system for the City of Norwich, NY are discussed and the procedures used to solve each problem are described. The interpretation...

Complications in the Design and Analysis of Small Water Distribution Systems
The design and operation of small treatment and distribution networks can sometimes be more complicated than the design of large metropolitan systems. More often than not, the use of standard...

HEC5 Hydropower Simulation Enhancements
Acres version of HEC5 possesses enhancements in the logic governing conventional hydropower, pumped-storage, and system power simulation. This paper demonstrates the conventional hydropower...

Incorporating Graphics in Water Distribution Analysis
One area that has currently been receiving attention is the presentation of hydraulic analysis results utilizing computer graphics to display pipe network and pressure values in graphical...

State-of-the-Art Pipe Network Optimization
Within the next decade water distribution system optimization models should become everyday tools of practicing engineers. This paper examines existing models and discusses some of the...

Pipe Network Optimization by Enumeration
The paper describes a procedure for the optimization of pipe networks which is executed entirely in the discrete pipe size/cost domain. The technique is based on exhaustive enumeration....

Optimal Operation of a System of Lakes for Quality and Quantity
A methodology is presented combining simulation and optimization techniques for determining operation strategies for a system of lakes in the presence of quality and quantity constraints....

Real-Time Reservoir Operations by Quadratic Programming
A quadratic programming model is developed for real-time reservoir operations. It is assumed that convex penalty functions that relates the deviations of storage levels and downstream...

User-Friendly Reservoir Routing on Minicomputers
Two models for routing reservoir releases and computing reservoir elevations for the TVA reservoir system are described. The models are designed for use on a 16-bit minicomputer with a...

Conceptual Framework for Regression Modeling of Ground-Water Flow
The author examines the uses of ground-water flow models and which classes of use require treatment of stochastic components. He then compares traditional and stochastic procedures for...

Groundwater Modelling
The numerical simulation of groundwater flow and transport has evolved from a technical curiosity to an established method of hydrological analysis. In this brief review the progress that...

The Water Resources Models of the Instream Flow Group
The Instream Flow Group of the US Fish and Wildlife Service has five analytical systems designed to assist in the development of instream flow criteria for water resources projects. Models...





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