Engineers in Court
Engineers who like debating often serve as expert witnesses. Though many avoid forensic work because they find lawyers intimidating, some like the challenge of explaining engineering principles...

Role of Microcompiuters in Highway Weigh-in-Motion Systems
Microcomputer technology makes it possible to digitize the signals, calculate the desired factors, and record and display the information in real time at the weigh-in-motion (WIM) site....

Materials and Member Behavior
Each of the papers in this book covers some aspect of material properties. New developments in cold formed steel are reviewed. The strength, stiffness, and ductility of steel connections...

Dynamics of Structures
This volume includes the papers presented at the 6th Structures Congress of ASCE which deal with the analysis, design, and behavior of civil engineering structures and facilities subjected...

Connecticut: A Success Story
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) had warned the state legislature that its highways and bridges would continue to deteriorate without increased funds for inspection,...

Save the Walls
A rehabilitation job in name only, the 75 year old Army and Navy Club, a landmark located in Washington D.C.'s Golden Triangle, retained only two of its 80 ft high exterior...

Tunnel Saved by Flyash
When inspection early in 1986 showed that Detroit's Northeast Raw Water Tunnel was near collapse at one location, quick action and a unique use of flyash-cement grout or fill...

Fail Safe Management
Engineers are increasingly embroiled in cases where failure is defined as improper administration or management of a procedure instead of the collapse of a structure or the failure of...

Artist in Wood Structures
Julius Natterer is chairman on the Institute for Wood Structures at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, and designer of more unusual or unique wood structures...

Wind Loading and Wind-Induced Structural Response
A State-of-the-Art Report
This state-of-the-art report presents fundamental and practical aspects of modern wind engineering practice as it relates to structural design. The first chapter includes information on...

Wind Tunnel Model Studies of Buildings and Structures
This manual provides guidelines on wind tunnel model testing of buildings and structures. Included are procedures required to provide representative information on wind effects experienced...

Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
The Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities attempts to improve the quality of the constructed product through interdisciplinary communication. Papers examine the causes and costs of failures...

Advances in Controls to Govern Mini and Micro Hydropower Systems
Conventional controls available for small hydropower systems are surveyed. Electronic load controls for micro hydropower systems are described. Recent developments in the literature are...

Installation and Startup of the Idaho Falls Bulb Units
The Idaho Falls Low-Head Hydroelectric Demonstration Project consists of the redevelopment of three existing power plants using identical bulb turbines and generators. This paper summarizes...

Francis Turbine Surge Prediction and Prevention
Every Francis turbine has some range(s) of load where the flow in the draft tube is subject to fluctuations. Various types of surge during 'steady-state' operation...

Micro PAT-Synchronous Generator Unit for Isolated Power Supply at Sultan Project Dam
The paper describes a unique application of a micro-PAT Unit installation utilizing downstream release flows for providing an isolated power supply at the Jackson (Sultan) dam in Washington...

Economic factors of Hydro Plants Versus Fossil Plants for Load Frequency Control
The purpose of this study was to determine whether hydro plants with Francis turbines or fossil plants are more economical for load frequency control. Using data from the Tennessee Valley...

Laser-2-Focus Flow Measurements in the Runner of a Bulb Turbine and Comparison with Calculation
Flow measurements are presented, which were carried out near and inside the 4-blade runner of an axial model bulb turbine of double adjustable type. These measurements were performed by...

Analysis and Testing of Transient Pressures at Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project
The objective of this paper is to present a comparative discussion of the results of theoretical analysis of transient pressures and of field tests performed on the Camp Far West Hydroelectric...

Synopsis: Ozark-Webbers Falls Turbine Repairs
The Ozark and Webbers Falls powerhouses were designed and constructed under the supervision of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and are located on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation...





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