Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination: A Literature Review
Methods are needed to allow regulatory agencies and resource managers to predict, from readily available data, the potential for groundwater contamination problems. Regional maps developed...

Utilization of Geographic Information Systems Technology in the Assessment of Regional Ground-Water Quality
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs and several State agencies in Oregon has prepared a digital...

High Plains States Groundwater Recharge Program
The Bureau of Reclamation is conducting a 2-phase program to demonstrate the feasibility of recharging declining aquifers in the 17 Western States. The U. S. Geological Survey, Environmental...

Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Projects
In dry climates, natural replenishment rates of aquifers (safe yields) are quite small. Many of these aquifers are being depleted. This is giving rise to an increasing interest in artificial...

Selenium: It's Not Just in California
The U. S. Department of the Interior has embarked on a series of reconnaissance level investigations throughout the western states to identify and assess potential irrigation-induced water...

Winery Wastewater Land Application
Winery wastewater is characterized by low pH, relatively high BOD, and a low nutrient content. Land application using rapid infiltration basins has been practiced successfully at a number...

The Inflatable Weir and Its Widespread Employment for Irrigation in Japan
Although introduced in the U. S. in the 1950's for groundwater recharging, the inflatable weir has become established only in Japan, in which case it is used almost entirely...

Subsurface Drains Solve Groundwater Rise Problems
Four sub-surface drainage alternates were evaluated for lowering the rising water table. Horizontal gravity drainage system offered the best solution to the problem. Disposal of drained...

Establishing a Monitoring Program for Formulating Water Quality Objectives in a Transboundary Reach
A systematic approach to the establishment of a monitoring program for formulating water quality objectives in the Similkameen River should include the following interactive steps: 1)...

Physical Model Verification of a Coastal Discharge
A 1:75 scale physical model of a thermal discharge into a rocky, semi-enclosed bay was verified against extensive field data. The model accurately reproduced the prototype temperature...

Lights Out at Caribou
The Caribou powerplant restoration is one of the projects to receive an Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award of Merit. On February 24, 1984 a rock slide on the ridge above the...

Missouri River Basin Water Accounting System
A water accounting system was developed for the Missouri River Basin to establish an accurate and acceptable base of information describing water availability and uses, and to provide...

Alternative Formulations for Water Quality Management Models
Various model formulations for water quality management are examined herein, each of which involves a somewhat different approach to the problem of determining optimal treatment levels...

A Water Quality Model for Urbanized Drainage Basins
The Virginia Stormwater (VAST) Model has been developed for use on IBM compatible microcomputers to simulate stormwater runoff and nonpoint source pollution. Hydrologic and nonpoint source...

Water Quality Management Through Project Operation
Harry S. Truman Dam, a multipurpose reservoir project, is located on the Osage River in the headwaters of the Lake of the Ozarks. Construction of this project created the potential to...

Expert System for Mixing Zone Analysis of Toxic and Conventional Discharges
The Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) is a series of software subsystems for the analysis, prediction and design of aqueous toxic or conventional pollutant discharges into watercourses...

Reservoir Water Quality Assessment Using in Situ Microcosms
Although there are a number of techniques for determining the limiting nutrient, as will be demonstrated, in-reservoir microcosms permit in situ experiments to be conducted under relatively...

Localized Effects of Subsidence on Flooding in a Small Urban Watershed
Extensive pumpage of groundwater in the Houston, Texas, metropolitan area in the last century has caused compaction of the clay layers in the local aquifers with resulting widespread land...

A Linked Stream-Aquifer System Model
A linked stream-aquifer system (LISAS) model is described. This model includes a deterministic sequential flow simulation component which generates hydrographs of surface runoff and deep...

Seepage/Drainage Investigation Colusa County California
High groundwater in the late winter months saturates the soil profile, causing damage to both crops and soil. Sustained water logging severely damages or destroys orchards. It has generally...





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