Axial Fatigue Model for Wire Rope Strand
A numerical fatigue model for cables and rope strand subjected to fluctuating axial tension has been developed. This model determines the maximum wire nominal and Hertz contact stresses,...

Base Isolation for Reinforced Concrete Structures
A recent experimental program has been carried out at the Earthquake Simulator Laboratory of the Earthquake Engineering Research Center in which a 1/5th scale reinforced concrete structural...

New Directions in the Application of Probabilistic Concepts in the Seismic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants
During the last 8 years, probabilistic concepts have been used in the seismic analysis of nuclear power plants. Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) has been the primary vehicle for performing...

Projectile Penetration Into Reinforced Concrete and Steel Targets
This paper presents brief preliminary results of a research program sponsored by the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL) to investigate the interaction of 30-mm cannon projectiles with...

Rescuing the Everglades
After a century of trying to control Florida's Everglades, water management officials have decided that cooperating with nature is better. A new strategy known as the Rainfall...

Sewer-Septic Tank Hybrid Promises Savings
Until recently the only options for sewage were the septic tank/leach field or conventional sewers. In some cases a hybrid of the two, called the septic tank/effluent drain, is less costly...

Highway Accident Collision Diagrams on a Microcomputer
Collision diagrams of highway accidents are schematic exhibits that illustrate the location of each accident with respect to the highway geometric features. The types of accidents; such...

Selected Papers from the Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ?1985
This book contains English translations of 19 articles selected from the Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. Five of the papers are...

Twisting in the Wind
Wind tunnel tests are being used increasingly to test the aerodynamic stability of bridges. Many designers think these tests should be used early in the conceptual design stage, rather...

Shake-Proof Dams
Seismic trouble spots in California and along the Pacific Coast usually get the most publicity. But many people don't realize that Wyoming, Illinois, South Carolina, Utah...

Planning and Designing the Powerplant at Stampede Dam
Power development at Stampede Dam was complicated due to the uncertainty about future reservoir operation and the need to design for seismic risk while attempting to minimize overall cost....

Installation and Startup of the Idaho Falls Bulb Units
The Idaho Falls Low-Head Hydroelectric Demonstration Project consists of the redevelopment of three existing power plants using identical bulb turbines and generators. This paper summarizes...

Uncertainty Analysis of Field Turbine Performance Measurements
This paper presents comprehensive uncertainty analyses of two different flow measurement methods for field tests on turbines. The 'water to wire' efficiency was...

Rim-Drive Turbine for Low Head Applications
A turbine design and testing program was undertaken with the objective of developing a standardized turbine/generator arrangement that would be well suited to the 10 to 30 foot head range....

Analyses and Field Tests for Hydraulic Transients Sultan Hydroelectric Project
Two in-line Francis units with their long discharge conduit and bypass valves present some unique problems in controlling hydraulic transients in this system. The problems were compounded...

Analysis and Testing of Transient Pressures at Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project
The objective of this paper is to present a comparative discussion of the results of theoretical analysis of transient pressures and of field tests performed on the Camp Far West Hydroelectric...

Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential of Anderson Ranch Dam
This paper contains a description of a liquefaction evaluation of the alluvial foundation soils at Anderson Ranch Dam, which was performed as part of the USBR's program of...

Hoover Dam Earthquakes Reconsidered
In 1936 and 1937 as the water rose behind Hoover Dam, earthquakes were felt in the Boulder City area and as far away as Las Vegas. Interest in induced seismicity was renewed in 1967 with...

Changing Stability Criteria: Effect on Older Dams
Many of the dams on the Georgia Power Company system were designed and constructed in the early 1900's. Changes that have occurred in stability criteria since construction...

Dam Safety Relating to Merwin and Yale Hydroelectric Projects
This paper describes the safety investigations performed to evaluate the dams, associated with the Merwin and Yale Hydroelectric Projects, for the effects of severe floods and earthquakes....





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