Recent Advances in Structural Rehabilitation Techniques for Underground Sewer Pipelines
A great challenge for the coming years, if not decades, will be the repair, renovation and renewal of the existing sewerage systems in the Federal Republic of Germany in the interest of...

The NOVA SPAN Bridge System
The NOVA SPAN Bridge concept provides the basis for the design and construction of a new variant in the field of bridges and culverts which, in its performance and operation, incorporates...

Buried Structural Capacity of Insituform?
In July 1988, a test was conducted at Utah State University to determine the structural support that can be provided to a failing rigid pipe system through the use of the Insituform process....

Advances in Trenchless Sewer System Reconstruction
The new developments and refinements in trenchless reconstruction technologies now permit total sewer system rebuilding of collectors, interceptors, manholes, service laterals, and force...

Whatever Happened to Long-Term Bridge Design?
The Chairman of the Board of one of the leading engineering firms in the nation ponders the future of American bridges. In today's designing of bridges, Thomas R. Kuesel points...

Whitfield Reservoir Inlet Outlet Pipeline
Alameda County Water District reports on the planning, design and construction of a 48-inch water main installed under modern urban circumstances. The location of the pipe and the construction...

Pipeline Design and Construction Using High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe
All pipelines and pipe materials must be designed and constructed to address the limitations of the pipe and fittings in order to insure acceptable performance of the line. Conventional...

A Look Back in Time to Verify Life Cycle Cost Analyses
The proper engineering design of any hydraulic structure requires consideration of different but interrelated fields of: 1) Planning, 2) Hydrology, 3) Hydraulics, 4) Structural, 5) Installation,...

Life Cycle Cost Analysis Discount Rates and Inflation
Life Cycle Cost Analysis techniques are useful for comparing alternatives that have differing cash flows over the expected life of a project. The selection of an appropriate discount rate...

Less Bang for the Buck
Blasting rock is practical on job sites with ample space, but on construction sites in urbans or developed settings, contractors are shying away from blasting for several reasons. Noise...

Shop Drawings: In Need of Respect
Engineer Robert L. Boehmig voices his concerns regarding the preparation of structural shop drawings. He gives his view of the shop drawing's role in construction projects,...

Managing Local Socioeconomic Impacts Through Project Management Policies Concerning Subsidized Transportation, Site Access, and On-Site Housing
The Department of Energy (DOE) has a legislative mandate to avoid, minimize and mitigate any adverse impacts to local communities resulting from activities at the Yucca Mountain Repository...

A Proposed Methodology for Validating Performance Assessment Models for the DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The Department of Energy (DOE) has developed a draft methodology for validating performance assessment models that will be used in the licensing of high-level waste repository systems....

Status of Integrated Performance Assessment of the Waste Packages and Engineered Barrier System
Performance assessment of the engineered barrier system for a nuclear waste repository combines information from relevant disciplines and predicts the net long-term performance of the...

TN28V High Capacity Cask for the Transport and Storage of Vitrified Wastes
When the option of reprocessing has been selected, closing of the fuel cycle implies the return shipment of reprocessing wastes back to the country of origin of the spent fuel, in particular...

A Numerical Study of Some Effects of Nuclear Fuel Waste Vault Construction and Closure on Evolution of Groundwater Flow Paths in the Geosphere
We have performed a series of three dimensional finite-element simulations on the sensitivity of the groundwater flow paths and travel times in a conceptual hydrogeological model with...

Simulation Modeling of Subsurface Development
This paper discusses the use of simulation modeling in analyzing subsurface development activities and estimating associated costs at the Yucca Mountain candidate repository site. Described...

Trends in Waste Management Program Costs: An Evolution of Estimating Methods and Results
The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of how the program cost projections contained in the five TSLCC analyses performed to-date and the estimating methods used to make these...

Materials Selection Issues for Structural Components of Transportation Casks
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is evaluating the use of alternate materials (i.e. other than stainless steel) as structural components in nuclear spent fuel transportation casks. This...

Programmatic Challenges and the Value of Testing on the West Valley Demonstration Project's Vitrification Facility Design
The primary objective of the West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) is the solidification of approximately 2.1 million liters (560 thousand gallons) of high-level waste (HLW) which resulted...





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