A Look Back in Time to Verify Life Cycle Cost Analyses

by John J. Meyer, Cretex Co Inc, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Pipeline Design and Installation


The proper engineering design of any hydraulic structure requires consideration of different but interrelated fields of: 1) Planning, 2) Hydrology, 3) Hydraulics, 4) Structural, 5) Installation, 6) Durability, and 7) Economics. The first 5 fields of pipe design are well established. However, the durability and economic aspects are generally not given proper consideration with pipe materials being selected on a first cost basis for many projects. Life cycle cost analyses have been developed to assist the engineer in his decision making process. The author will use examples of past installations, actual construction costs, actual inflation rates based on Consumer Price Index and actual historical interest rates based on Federal Reserve System data to verify life cycle equations.

Subject Headings: Construction costs | Life cycles | Hydraulic structures | Structural analysis | Pipe materials | Hydraulic design | Economic factors

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