Beach Restoration Criteria Based on Algae Hydrodynamics
The presence of algae might aggravate the already existing difficulties in beach restoration. The aim of this paper is to present additional beach restoration criteria based on algae hydrodynamics...

Beach Restoration at Malaga Urban Area: Pedregalejo Case Study
The existence of a beach is a primary factor for the development of the adjacent urban areas. The present paper deals with the restoration project of Pedregalejo Beach (Malaga-Spain) and...

Influence on the Extension of Ondarroa Harbor on Adjacent Beaches
The present article deals with the analysis of the influence of the different Ondarroa Harbour extensions on the adjacent beaches by using a semi-movable model test. These model tests...

Massachusetts Marine Lakes Restoration Program (abstract)
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, Division of Water Pollution Control, administers the state's Clean Lakes and Great Ponds Program. The program,...

Athens Siphon and Outfall
More than 130 million gallons of untreated domestic and industrial wastewater are discharged each day into the sea near Athens. To mitigate this situation, the government of Greece is...

Armor Protection for Rubble Mound Breakwaters
A brief summary of past practices in breakwater armor system design is presented. The limitations of current design procedures for rubble mound breakwaters are discussed and improved methods...

Sand Rights, a Legal System to Protect the Shores of the Sea
The legal system of water rights in California is highly developed. So far, however, it has failed to recognize in any comprehensive fashion the importance of the sand which is transported...

Monitoring of Coastal Environment for its Management
The paper briefly explains the features of four coastal laboratories established along the southwest coast of India in 1980 and the data gathered by them during 1980-84. Four coastal piers...

Coastal Dune Status and Management Conflicts, New South Wales, Australia
The University of Sydney/Soil Conservation Service dune management research project was initiated with the ultimate goal of developing a multiple-objective planning model to define the...

Living with the Shore: Hazard Mitigation through Education
In 1977, the authors began the task of producing summary texts for all mainland open-ocean coastal states as well as Chesapeake Bay, Puget Sound, and Lakes Erie and Michigan. On completion,...

Shallow Ocean Disposal of Contaminated Dredge Material
The contaminated dredged materials from harbors and waterways along heavily populated coastal areas such as Connecticut must often be disposed at shallow ocean sites. To isolate the contaminants...

Timber Bulkheads
Timber bulkhead design and construction methods are presented in this publication for consideration by the engineering profession. Included are papers on an analytical method for the design...

Coastal Sediments
The two-volume Proceedings of Coastal Sediments '87 contain more than 150 full papers delivered at a specialty technical conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers...

Remote Sensing of Estuaries and Tide-Dominated Coastal Processes
The recent appearance of low-cost microcomputers with user-friendly software for analyzing satellite imagery is including more estuarine investigators to use satellite data. High resolution...

Nontidal Exchange Processes at the Chesapeake Bay Entrance
Magnitudes of gravitational and meteorologically-driven exchange at the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay are compared using current measurements, numerical model runs and subtidal volume...

Uncertainty in Models for Environmental Management
In recent years, computer models have become increasingly popular as tools to aid the decision-maker in balancing complex, interacting factors in environmental management and pollution...

PC MODEL BRESSED for Stochastic Prediction of Reservoir Sedimentation
A stochastic flow-storage/sediment-deposition model was written in BASIC with userfriendly features. It is an augmented version of the FORTRAN program RESSED (REServoir SEDimentation)...

Selenium Removal?Can We Afford It?
The process of biologically removing the element selenium from agricultural drainage water is discussed and an economic evaluation of the process is presented. If by-products can be recovered,...

Satellite Remote Sensing for Regional Crop Inventories
LANDSAT 4 and 5 Satellite spectral images of the Columbia Basin were obtained during the 1984, 1985 and 1986 growing seasons by Cropix, Inc. of Hermiston, Oregon. A field classification...

Coastal Zone '87
Coastal Zone '87 is the fifth in a series of multidisciplinary meetings on comprehensive coastal and ocean management. The papers included in this publication review technical...





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