The Isolated Signalized Intersection as a Mitigation on a High-Speed Highway
A concentrated 'leap-frog' type development is commonly proposed as it offers the opportunity to organize an extensive living-recreation orientated site with low to modest land costs....
Access Management ? Myth or Reality
The concept of access management has emerged over the past decade as a means of preserving the functional integrity of the arterial road system while simultaneously providing access to...
Commuter Infiltration, The Unaddressed Issue
Traffic Impact Reports usually assign project-related traffic only to the adjacent collector and arterial highways. Usually the reports do not attempt to address possible commuter infiltration...
Traffic Impact Study for a Regional Shopping Center at a Basque City. A European View
A 45,000 m2 GLA Regional Shopping Center has been designed in close proximity to a thruway diamond interchange. Peak-hour generation was estimated and detailed analyses were performed...
Arizona's Uniform Traffic Impact Procedures
This paper discusses the development of policies and detailed uniform guidelines for traffic impact analysis of proposed developments along Arizona State highways. The paper addresses:...
Shouldn't it be
A Traffic Impact Assessment is a single mode analytical tool that is used to evaluate new development proposals. Its use continues at a time when the transportation community is being...
Major Public Transportation Investments as Development Projects: Old Colony Railroad
In 1988, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and construction (EOTC) developed a set of guidelines for traffic studies in conjunction with the state's environmental review...
Urban Transportation Management?Jersey City, New Jersey
This paper will describe the multi-year process undertaken to implement physical roadway improvements and transportation management policies in a constrained urban environment. Specifically...
Transportation Management in the Anacostia Waterfront Washington, D.C.
The Anacostia Waterfront is a 500 acre land mass located approximately one-half mile from the U.S. Capitol. This area includes a U.S. Army facility (Ft. McNair), a U.S. Navy facility (the...
The Use of Road Impact Fees in the United States
The roads of American cities have been subjected to ever increasing traffic while maintenance and improvement programs have lagged. The result have been deterioration of roads and brisges,...
Traffic Impact Fees in Schaumburg, Illinois
Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburban employment center northwest of Chicago, developed a traffic impact fee program 13 years ago. The program has met with little resistance from developers....
Corridor Planning and Traffic Assessment: Small Sites and Neighborhoods
Determining the appropriate use of a piece of property, or the uses for larger land areas in a portion of a city, requires consideration of many facts. A recently completaed project was...
The Dialogue of Players on the Development Stage
To examine the factors which affect the quality of communications during the traffic impact study process, an opinion survey was administered to individuals representing three groups of...
Site Traffic Impact Analysis Process: The Developer's Perspective
Site traffic impact analyses are often conducted for private developers by traffic engineering consultants to be reviewed by the local engineering or planning departments of Cities and...
The Traffic Impact Study and Traffic Impact Fees
The Traffic Impact Study (TIS) identifies roadway improvements, and roadway improvement costs, which are required to adequately serve total traffic volumes after completion of a particular...
The Application and Use of Impact Fees: Legal Issues
Local governments in the United States are empowered, in varying degrees to regulate land use and to provide adequate public facilities to serve new growth. To meet the substantial costs...
Nowcast Protocol for the Great Lakes Forecasting System
The Great Lakes Forecasting System is a cooperative federal-university undertaking designed to implement a predictive system for each of the Great Lakes. The desired forecasts concentrate...
A Coastal-Ocean Hindcast/Forecast Model
Flows in the coastal oceans are produced by interactions of different components: tides, winds, buoyancy discharge from estuaries, topography and remote forcing of deeper-ocean origin....
Modeling Tidal and Wind Driven Circulation in Sarasota and Tampa Bay
As part of an effort to quantify the effects of hydrodynamics on water quality within Sarasota Bay, Tampa Bay and their adjoining waters, a field and modeling study of circulation and...
A Three-Dimensional Simulation of Buoyancy and Wind-Induced Circulation and Mixing in the New York Bight
A three-dimensional simulation of the circulation and mixing in the New York Bight has been conducted, forced by (i) wind stress for the year 1987 and monthly-mean heat fluxes at the sea...
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