Changing Requirements
There are three sections to the presentation. First, a discussion of the changing environment of highway transportation - what are the factors and variables that are changing in the world...

Allocating Public Funds: Morality and Constraints
The highway safety engineer is continually faced with the trade-off between expenditures for highway safety improvements and reductions in highway fatalities, injuries, and property damage...

The Federal Budgetary Process
The paper outlines the federal budget process as it affects highway safety programs. There are a variety of federal programs which come under the umbrella designation highway safety. Those...

Comparing Benefits of Safety and Non-Safety Programs
The objective of this presentation is to compare benefit-cost ratios for major highway construction projects to those for highway safety projects, such as: (1) new highways, (2) major...

A Case for Science-Based Road Safety Design and Management
What civil engineers do has a major effect on road safety. However, contrary to appearances, the level of safety built into roads is largely unpremeditated. Standards and practices have...

Highway Safety - Planning for the Future
Because motor vehicle traffic is expected to continue to grow, renewed efforts will be required to prevent the problem of motor vehicle crash deaths and injuries growing much larger than...

Highway Safety in 2010: Compromising Among Values
A prediction is made of the highway safety development, based on analysis of current crash data and expected improvements in highway safety. The paper includes discussions of travel mileage...

Plans and Programming for Highway Safety to the Year 2010
Many factors have contributed to improvement in highway safety including more crashworthy vehicle design, increased usage of occupant restraints, growing public intolerance of DWI, and...

Seismic Damage and Retrofit of Bridges in California
Since 1971, the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) has retrofitted about 1300 bridges to improve their seismic resistance. CALTRANS has investigated 13 earthquakes since...

Benefits of Highway Safety Improvement Programs
Even at the most conservative estimate of 2% annual growth in travel, the U.S. would experience almost 58,000 deaths in the year 2000 at a death rate of 2.5 per 100 million miles traveled....

Tied Arch Substitute
When the Minnesota DOT decided to build a new bridge to replace St. Paul's historic High Bridge over the Mississippi, a citizen's advisory group insisted that...

The Williamsburg: Rehab After All
Whether to repair or replace the Williamsburg Bridge has been seriously debated in New York City for years. Recently, a blue ribbon panel of technical advisors appointed by the Mayor conducted...

Brighter Future for Stay Cables
Corrosion problems on cable stayed bridges can be prevented, according to several engineers who responsed to Cables in Trouble, a Civil Engineering article that appeared in the April 1988...

Weathering Steel: Industry's Stepchild
Improper location and poor detailing are two reasons why some weathering steel bridges are not living up to their early promise. That was the consensus reached during a July 1988 forum...

Highway Safety
At the Crossroads
The papers in this book were presented at the ASCE Specialty Conference, Highway Safety: At the Crossroads, held in San Antonio, Texas, March, 1988. Among the topics covered are: assessment...

Recycling Bridges
Faced with the statistics showing that more than half of our bridges have fallen into a state of disrepair, bridge engineers have coined a phrase from the lexicon of conservationists to...

Program to Reduce Deicing Chemical Usage
Over the years (since about 1948), the dependency on deicing chemicals has been increased to provide 'bare pavement' for safe and efficient winter transportation....

Civil Engineering at the Threshold of the 21st Century: Focus on the Emerging Professional Environment
The development of America's surface transportation into the 21st century confronts the civil engineer with a distinctively new challenge arising from the twin demands of...

Implementing a State PMS
Arizona State Pavement Management System (PMS) is described in this paper. Experience shows that many factors must be considered in deciding how to maintain a particular mile of the road...

AASHTO Design Concepts
The AASHO Road Test of 1958-60 grew out of a need to quantify the effects of increasingly heavier axle and gross loads and varying wheel load configurations on the performance of this...





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