Glacial Icemelt in the Wind River Range, Wyoming
The Wind River Range of Wyoming contains the greatest concentration of glaciers in the American Rocky Mountains with two of the larger glaciers being Dinwoody and Gannett Glaciers. This...

Environmental Compliance and River Maintenance on Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico
River maintenance activities within the boundaries of the Santo Domingo Pueblo on the Rio Grande have departed from the traditional channelization philosophy and employed engineering methodologies...

Management Strategies for Baseflow Augmentation
Management strategies for baseflow augmentation fall into the following categories: (1) range management, (2) upland vegetation management, (3) riparian vegetation management, (4) upland...

Development and Implementation of the Wekiva River Basin Regulatory Program in Central Florida
The St. Johns River Water Management District developed a comprehensive surface water management program for the basin. Between 1987 and 1989 the District implemented basin specific design...

Effects of Mining, Grazing, and Roads on Sediment and Water Chemistry in Birch Creek, Nevada
Assessment of the cumulative effects of mining and other land uses on water quality of Birch Creek showed that mine dumps and roads increased fine sediment deposits in some reaches. Fines...

Stream Bank Stability Prediction for C6 Stream Type Reconstruction
A hydraulic model investigation will be conducted to evaluate the effects of root system characteristics of three meadow plant communities on simulated bank erosion. The test will determine...

Stream Standards for Toxics and Irrigated Agriculture Using New Mexico as a Case Study
New Mexico follows a policy of 'antidegradation' with respect to the existing quality of a stream, but its standards specifically exclude return flows from irrigated...

Delivering Appropriate Quantities of Water to the Farm
To study how well an irrigation district was able to meet farmer demand, water deliveries along two monitored lateral canals were compared to the orders and bills for these events. The...

The Colorado River Salinity Program?An Overall Perspective
Economic losses resulting from increases in salinity in the Colorado River system were estimated to be $311 million annually in 1986. As a result of protests by Mexico to the United States...

The USDA Colorado River Salinity Control Program
Approximately 37 percent of the salt contribution in the Colorado River can be attributed to irrigation activities in the river basin. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),...

Water Quality Criteria for Cyanide in the Similkameen River, British Columbia
The toxicological and environmental significance of the major cyanide compounds is discussed. Data from earlier bioassays studies of cyanide are summarised and the ranges of median lethal...

San Miguel Water Supply Study: A Case Study in Non-Structural Alternatives for Improved Irrigation Water Supplies
The San Miguel study area is located in southwestern Colorado sixty miles south of Grand Junction. Investigations of alternatives for developing additional water supplies involved mainstem...

Water Quality of Jubba River in Somalia
Monitoring of water quality in the Jubba River in Somalia of East Africa, led to indications of a potential impact of toxic trace elements, salinity and biocides in restricting agricultural...

Environmental Aspects of Water Resources Development
Long-term management of resources requires a comprehensive anlysis of the effects that development and management of one resource may be expected to exert upon other resources. However,...

Annual Flow Variations in the Nile River System
The annual flow series of the Nile River System at some key gauging stations for the period 1912-1988 are presented and discussed. The relatively stable period, pre-1961, has helped establish...

The Use of Wholesale Water Rates to Encourage the Groundwater Conjunctive Use
The availability and price of imported Colorado River water were critical components to the development of groundwater management programs in Southern California. Economical imported water...

The Colorado River Water Rights: Back to the Future
A discussion about tomorrow's projected water shortages in California and efforts to meet the anticipated demands through the Colorado River supply requires at least a brief...

Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta The Key to Water Transfer
The Delta is a key feature in California's water resources picture. This ecologically sensitive area is currently experiencing adverse effects from water diversions and needed...

Multi-Date Image Analyses Used for Determining Flood Area Impacts in the Saginaw River Basin, Michigan
During the months of September and October 1986, a series of storms swept across the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. These heavy downpours caused $400 million worth of flood damages. Significant...

The Development of a Hydrologic Drought Index and Termination Rate Probabilities
The development of a hydrologic drought index (HDI) based on drought severity is presented along with a new formulation for drought termination probabilities. Results indicate that termination...





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