Predicted and Measured Behavior of Five Spread Footings on Sand
This publication contains the results of a full scale load testing program used to predict and measure the bahavior of five spread footings on sand. These results were presented at the...
Vertical and Horizontal Deformations of Foundations and Embankments
This proceedings,
Aviation Crossroads
Challenges in a Changing World
This proceedings,
Critical Issues in Water and Wastewater Treatment
This proceedings,
Modelling of Flood Propagation Over Initially Dry Areas
This proceedings,
Advances in Cement and Concrete
This proceedings,
Fundamentals and Advancements in Hydraulic Measurements and Experimentation
This proceedings,
Hydraulic Engineering
These proceedings,
Marinas, Parks and Recreation Developments
This proceedings,
Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources VI
This proceedings,
Coastal Dynamics `94
During the past decade, numerical models of coastal dynamics have provided far more information than could be validated with field and laboratory measurements. Lack of data has restricted...
Transportation Planning and Air Quality II
This proceedings,
Cement Manufacture and Use
This book,
Fracture Mechanics Applied to Geotechnical Engineering
This proceedings,
Ground Failures Under Seismic Conditions
This proceedings,
Hurricanes of 1992
Lessons Learned and Implications for the Future
In 1992, Hurricanes Andrew and Iniki devastated portions of Florida, Louisiana, and Hawaii causing over $35 billion in damages and the loss of 38 lives. Hurricane Andrew, which accounted...
In-Situ Deep Soil Improvement
This proceedings,
National Water Resources Regulation
Where is the Environmental Pendulum Now?
This proceedings,
Reconstruction of the West Breakwater at Port Sines, Portugal
This volume,
Revenue Enhancement for Water and Wastewater Systems
This proceedings,
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