Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater
Treatment of groundwater contaminated by improper disposal practices of the past, routine agricultural chemical usage, accidents, and leaks is going to be of increasing importance. Prevention...

Water Resources Development vs. Concern for Environmental Protection: Political and Judicial Responses to a Head-On Collision
There are numerous 'environmental laws' that water developers must comply with. These laws can and must be complied with. One response to such laws is to work...

Cooperation: Solving the California Water Problem
The water picture in California is changing rapidly. Water professionals, to say nothing of the public at large, are hard-pressed to keep up with new technical information and changing...

Desktop Publishing for the Design Firm
Desktop publishing lets engineering firms put together reports with high-quality text and graphics in-house. Presentations and publications can be produced with greater flexibility at...

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1989
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 154, 1989 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal papers and technical notes,...

ASCE Annual Combined Index 1989
The 1989 ASCE Annual Combined Index provides a guide to materials appearing in publications of ASCE published during 1989. This includes papers and technical notes from ASCE technical...

The Pros and Cons of Public Education
Today, engineers work for a public that has lost faith in the government's ability to spend money efficiently and to contain pollutants effectively. Many engineers now see...

Avoiding Transportation Future Shock
Seattle, Washington's regional government planning group, called METRO, has undertaken a future scenarios approach to transportation planning. Working with an outside panel...

The Fabrication and Erection of the Minneapolis Convention Center
A new convention center is part of the City of Minneapolis' successful plan to maintain an economically strong downtown core. It is the latest addition to a list of civic...

What's Wrong With Superfund
In nine years of the federal government's Superfund program, $4 billion has been spent and only 38 of the 1,175 sites on the national priority list have been cleaned. There...

The Model Cleanup
Standards for hazardous waste site cleanups may be inappropriate or inadequate to protect the public health. Civil engineers responsible for remediation decisions need to know about the...

Risk Analysis and Management of Natural and Man-Made Hazards
The third Engineering Foundation Conference on Risk-Based Decisionmaking titled Risk Analysis and Management of Natural and Man-Made Hazards was held in Santa Barbara, California on November...

Integration of Research Into Design Practice
A widely held perception is that research results flow from the research community along the paths of professional publication into the design offices, where they find practical application....

Sulfide in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
ASCE Manual 69, Manual of Practice on Sulfide in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems, is intended to help planners, designers, and operators of wastewater facilities understand...

Safety in the Industrial Robot Environment
Safety requirements differ for applications with or without a human interface. The extent of human interface with the robot must be determined. Design of the robot, guarding, access, and...

POU/POE Water Treatment: Regulatory Challenge
During the past few years the use of point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry POE) water treatment devices has grown dramatically. One attendant consequence has been the proliferation of...

Point-of-Entry/Point-of-Use Water Treatment-? Where Do We Go From Here?
The development and marketing of point-of-entry-entry/point-of-use (POE/POU) devices has become a multi-million dollar business, and is projected to become even larger with the annual...

Incremental Risk Analysis in Teaching Institutions
Institutions engaged in research and teaching in the natural sciences, constitute a diffuse source of chemical emissions. As many institutions embark on ambitious building programs, communities...

Environmental Risk Assessment at a Gas Utility
Over the past 10 years, Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) has developed an environmental risk management program to mitigate or eliminate the potential health risks to employees,...

Monte Carlo Simulations of Uncertainties in Risk Assessments of Superfund Sites Using Crystal Ball?
Most health risk assessments for Superfund sites combine a series of worst case assumptions to derive a 'point estimate' of risk that is 'conservative,'...





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