Highway Factors in Truck Wrecks
An examination is presented of highway factors as they interact with driver and vehicle factors in large truck accident causation. Examples of highway defects are discussed along with...

Effects of Driver Factors and Training on Wrecks
A training program for professional drivers is reviewed. The effects of driver factors, as well as their training, on accidents is presented....

Truck Operating Characteristics in Relation to Safety
For a two-year period large truck crashes on the interstate system in Washington State were investigated using a case-control method. For each large truck involved in a crash, three trucks...

Design Considerations for Trucks in Work Zones
In an Eastern state a 3. 8 mi (6. 2 km) work zone had 14 accidents during a project duration of 120 days. Eleven of the 14 accidents occurred at temporary crossovers where traffic was...

Accommodation of Large Trucks: Traffic Control Issues
The objective of this paper is to identify ways that large trucks can be accommodated safely and efficiently through traffic control. Traffic control is herein defined as encompassing...

Accommodating Larger Trucks at At-Grade Intersections
When a particular intersection serves a high volume of large truck traffic, design considerations should reflect the presence of those larger vehicles. This paper discusses three intersection...

Probabilistic Design of Flexible Pavements
Numerous random phenomena enter into the process of deterioration of pavements under the effect of traffic. It is felt that improvement in current design methods could be obtained by adopting...

Dynamic Maps for Seismic Risk Reduction and Effects of Soil Conditions
In order to perform useful vulnerability and risk evaluations, it is essential to have at one's disposal an automatic procedure of elaboration which provides answers in real time as soon...

Rehabilitation of Highway Bridges: Design and Operational Considerations
The design of a rehabilitation of a bridge which must maintain some lanes of traffic requires special consideration of construction procedures and traffic control, which are discussed...

Regional Assessment of Pumpage in Southeastern Virginia
A U.S. Geological Survey investigation was conducted, in cooperation with the Virginia Water Control Board, to analyze the hydrogeology and groundwater flow system in the Coastal Plain...

An Investigation into Causes of Bank Caving
A series of investigations into bank caving along the Ohio River are described. These investigations include a study of the distribution of precipitation in the study region, derivation...

Considerations in the Design and Installation of Horizontally Drilled Pipeline River Crossings
The authors will present a review of directionally controlled horizontal drilling techniques for pipeline installation by describing the state-of-the-art of the process vis-a-vis subsurface...

Seismic Counter-Measures for Buried Pipelines
This paper deals with the seismic counter-measures for mitigating hazards from earthquake damages to buried water and sewer pipelines. To achieve an overall program for the earthquake...

Traffic Jams on Main Street
Traffic congestion in suburban areas has become a leading public concern prompting a renewed search for transportation and land use strategies to help relieve congestion. Causes of traffic...

Accommodation of Trucks on the Highway
Safety in Design
This book contains the papers presented at the symposium on accommodation of trucks on highways held in Nashville, Tenn., May 11, 1988. The papers address highway factors that contribute...

Changing Role Between State and Federal Agencies
The paper discusses the title subject from the perspective of someone working in a state agency. The federal agencies discussed include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation,...

How Far along the Learning Curve is the Contingent Valuation Method?
The paper discusses an application of the learning curve concept to new benefit methodologies and applies the model to the contingent valuation (CV) methodology. As knowledge accumulates...

Calibration of Water-Velocity Meters
The U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, as part of its responsibility to appraise the quantity of water resources in the United States, maintains facilities for the calibration...

Estimation of Urban Stormwater Quality
Two data-based methods for estimating urban stormwater quality have recently been made available - a planning level method developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),...

Morphologic and Hydraulic Adjustments of Red River from Shreveport, LA to Fulton, AK, between 1886 and 1980
Morphometric data (channel width and depth and slope) from 4 hydrographic surveys of Red River (1886, 1938, 1968, 1980) from Shreveport to Fulton and specific-gage analyses for the gages...





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