Voltage Versus Var/Power Factor Regulation on Hydro Generators
When paralleled to the utility bus, synchronous generators can be controlled using either terminal voltage or var/power factor regulation. Selection is dependent upon the size of the generator...

Large Low-Speed Generators with Skewed Supporting Parts
During the past decade, the demand for hydro-generators has been for increasingly high ratings, up to the present maximum of about 800 MVA. These low-speed machines have rotor diameters...

Control and Tests of Tims Ford Induction Generator
This paper will discuss the electrical control scheme and commissioning tests developed for a small induction generator installed by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) at its Tims Ford...

Electrical Equipment for Pumped Storage Plants
Selection of generator/motors and other electrical equipment for pumped storage plants requires consideration significantly different than for conventional hydro plants. This is particularly...

What is Wrong with our Hydro Generators?
A number of studies have already been presented on the refurbishment and modernization of hydro facilities and also the design and upgrading of the generators. This paper will partly deal...

McNary Powerhouse Generating Unit 14 Stator Core and Winding Replacement
The powerhouse contains 14 main generating Kaplan-blade units, each rated at 73,684 kVA at 0. 95 power factor. In early 1985 the decision to rewind and uprate Unit 14 was being finalized....

Accelerated Life Testing of Generator Coils
This paper presents a step-by-step procedure for doing a 400 hour, 60 Hz, 90 degree C accelerated life test on generator coils. Test procedure is as follows: 1. Initial coil examination...

Small Hydrodevelopment: An Owners Perspective?El Vado, New Mexico Hydroelectric Project
The construction of the El Vado Hydroelectric Project posed several unique problems. The joint ownership of the dam between a Federal and State agency was unique to the region. The proposal...

Subsurface Savings
Less conservatism than usual in designing building foundations is being accepted or demanded by some owners to save money. The article describes four examples of cost-cutting innovations,...

Parallel Algorithms for Structural Optimization Under Dynamic Loading
Parallel algorithms and strategies are outlined for optimal design of frame structures subjected to dynamic earthquake loading. Parallelism is extracted in six areas: substructuring of...

Modeling Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance, dN/da
In the fracture mechanics approach to fatigue, da/dN is correlated with the cyclic range of the stress intensity factor, ?K; the resulting relation, da/dN=f (?K), is commonly called the...

Load Combinations for Codified Design
Loading requirements used in current standards for structural design are not consistent in their conceptual basis, appearance or use. Unified limit states design procedures for structures...

Development of Bridge Design Code
Load and resistance parameters for bridges involve uncertainties due to natural randomness, imperfect models or human errors. Because of these uncertainties, absolute reliability is not...

Analysis of Bridge Truck Loads
The development of the reliability-based load and resistance factor design (LRFD) methodology requires uncertainties in loads and resistance be quantified. In the load capacity evaluation...

Research Needs for Rational LRFD Criteria
There are at least a dozen factors causing or influencing impact. Current design specifications consider only a few of these. Location of truck wheel loads within the traffic lanes on...

Design Wind Loads for Broadcasting Antennas from Short Time Records
Very useful would be procedures for the determination of the design wind load on the basis of short time records, of duration comparable with the preliminary and/or design phases, so that...

Quantifying Quality Improvement Programs
Structural codes are evolving to a limit state design basis in which the safety checks are derived from the underlying probability distributions of strength and loads. An example safety...

Effect of Air Gap on Platform Reliability
A simplified reliability study of the effect of lateral wave forces impacting the deck of a fixed platform is presented. The reliability of the deck legs, considered the primary resistance...

Rock Armouring to Unconventional Breakwaters: The Design Implications for Rock Durability
This paper identifies the need for quantitative durability testing of rock for use on dynamically stable rock armored slopes. The derivation and use of a suite of engineering tests for...

Water Pipeline Infrastructure; Design Now for Future Ease of Repair
This paper covers the general types of water pipe joints presently in the ground in the United States. It also covers the methods used to repair joints and damaged pipes, pipe cutting,...





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