Computer-Aided Cleanup
In late 1992, the remedial investigation of Operable Unit 2 at the Department of Energy's Fernald Superfund site in Ohio was in trouble. Despite years of effort-including...

Fracture Mechanics Applied to Geotechnical Engineering
This proceedings, Fracture Mechanics Applied to Geotechnical Engineering, contains theoretical and experimental studies related to the formation,...

Gateway to Columbus
The Columbus Gateway Arch Bridge is an innovative twin ribbed steel arch structure with a post-tensioned composite concrete deck, transverse post-tensioned composite steel box girders...

Settlement Analysis
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Manual, Settlement Analysis, presents guidelines for calculation of vertical displacements and settlement of soil under shallow foundations. As soil is...

A GIS-Based Program Management System: An Approach to Integrate Transportation Management Systems
The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act passed by Congress in 1991 requires transportation agencies to develop six management systems that will guide state and local official...

The Use of COGO/GIS in the Route 58 Corridor Development Study: A Case Study
This paper is a case study in the utilization of COGO and GIS software for the Route 58 Corridor Development Program in Southwest Virginia. The planning effort included the evaluation...

Using GIS to Define and Develop TAZ Data
GIS permits users to geographically display database information. It also can provide a common link between two or more previously unrelated databases. Increasingly, these capabilities...

Use of Geographic Information System for Transportation Data Analysis
Origin-destination (O-D) survey data have been usually applied to identify travel characteristics for transportation planning activities. Travel forecasting models are also validated against...

A Microcomputer Program to Evaluate Low Cost Modifications on Urban Freeways
This paper presents a user-friendly, menu-driven microcomputer program, RAMP, for analysis and evaluation of freeway ramp junction level of service. RAMP automates the approximation procedure...

Corridor Analysis Using QRS II Route 9 Case Study
This traffic modeling project is part of a larger planning study of the Route 9 corridor through the Town of Hadley and parts of Amherst and Northampton. The Pioneer Valley Planning Comission...

Assignment Modeling with Dynamic Traffic Effects
This paper describes the new traffic assignment modeling provided by the Highway analysis component of the TRIPS package. This tackles some fundamental modeling issues regarding the time...

Travel Demand with Forecasting Microsimulation
Transportation planners forecast travel demand using techniques that are based on dissagregate models estimated from cross-sectional data. Their forecasts are usually single future time...

Impact of Land Use Alternatives on Transportation Demand
This paper documents a study conducted by the Baltimore Regional Council of Governments (Regional Council) for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Under this study, alternative...

Better Ways to Update Trip Matrices
Updating origin-destination (OD) trip matrices usually involves considerable survey costs, so engineers are often forced to use dated OD information, which can seriously undermine the...

Using License Plate Survey Data in Transportation Planning Applications
This paper is a presentation of the methodology used by the Baltimore Regional Council of Governments to conduct a multi-faceted study for the Maryland Aviation Administration, which operates...

Synthesis of Traffic Signal Timing for the Highway Capacity Manual Planning Analysis
The 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provides a technique to analyze the operation of signalized intersections. The Highway Capacity Software (HCS) is a microcomputer package that faithfully...

Real-Time Delay Measurement and Intersection Analysis System
Two intersection delay measurement approaches are developed, and a framework for a real-time traffic signal data collection and intersection operational analysis system is presented. The...

A Method for Reviewing and Assessing PASSER II and TRANSYT-7F Signal Timing Optimization Outputs
The development of traffic signal timing plans is a common task. Some of the traffic software programs are the Arterial analysis package (AAP), the Progression Analysis and Signal System...

An Expert System Analysis of the Signal Operational Analysis Package Results
An expert system is a type of artificial intelligence program that captures the human knowledge which is involved in making a decision. Expert systems are very suitable for solving problems...

Use of TRAF-NETSIM to Estimate the Traffic Impacts of an Urban-Resort Area Development
Urban-resort areas are concentrated visitor destination districts that are located within or in close proximity to urban areas. The combination of visitor-related and urban activities...





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