Computer-Aided Cleanup

by Jim Williams, Project Director; OU-2, Fermco, P.O. Box 398704, Cincinnati, OH 45239-8704.,
Barney Jones, Manager; Remediation Systems, Fermco, P.O. Box 398704, Cincinnati, OH 45239-8704.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1994, Vol. 64, Issue 10, Pg. 46-49

Document Type: Feature article


In late 1992, the remedial investigation of Operable Unit 2 at the Department of Energy's Fernald Superfund site in Ohio was in trouble. Despite years of effort-including an EPA-approved field investigation work plan, 123 soil borings, 51 groundwater monitoring wells, analysis of over 650 soil and groundwater samples, and preparation of a Draft Remedial Investigation (RI) Report--it was not possible to conclude if contaminated material in the unit was related to groundwater contamination previously detected beneath and beyond the site boundary. An advanced three-dimensional computer model was developed that confirmed that radioactive wastes dumped at the Fernald, Ohio Superfund site had contaminated ground water, after years of previous testing had been inconclusive. The system is now being used to aid feasibility and design work on the more than $1 billion remediation project.

Subject Headings: Groundwater pollution | Site investigation | Soil pollution | Soil analysis | Field tests | Waste sites | Three-dimensional models

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