Mid-Scale Laboratory Tests on a Two-Dimensional Movable-Bed Sand Model
A two-dimensional physical model was used to simulate wave-induced scour in front of a concrete dike sloped at 1:4. The tests were conducted at the U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment...

The Structure of Intermittent Sand Suspension Events Under Mild Wave Conditions
Nearshore sedimentation processes are being actively investigated through a series of research projects at the University of Miami. Quantitative measurements of waves, currents, and suspended...

Bank Failure and Erosion on the Illinois Waterway
In 1988, bank failure and erosion on the Illinois Waterway were evaluated. Banks were inspected from the air and from a motor vessel; thirty-one sites were examined in detail. Severe erosion...

Boundary Conditions of Tidal Model at River Mouth
A small grid is required to schematize irregular shape of shoreline in the vicinity of river mouth which limits the modeling area to be small. Tidal records along the boundary show no...

Sorting of Mixed Sand on a Two-Dimensional Beach
A numerical method is developed to predict temporal variations of the sea bed topography and the bed-material composition. The predicted results are compared with the measurements in a...

Cellular Automaton Simulation of Viscous Free Surface Fluid Dynamics
It has been demonstrated elsewhere that the simple interaction of a two dimensional field of discrete particles traveling on a regular lattice yields large scale behavior closely approximating...

Verification of Local Modes in a Two-Dimensional Tidal Model
Based on a generalized model equation, a two-dimensional hybrid finite element model has been developed to study tidal waves of incompressible, homogeneous fluid in rotational flows. In...

Risk-Cost Principles for Dam Safety Analysis
The purpose of this paper is to present the principles and issues of risk-cost analysis as they have evolved in the evaluation of dam safety improvements. The paper also reviews some results...

Design of Expansions for Sub-Critical Open Channel Flow
Expansions for open channel flow at sub-critical velocity are required whenever it is necessary to reduce the velocity of flow from a structure which discharges into an erodible channel....

Lower Santa Ana River Hydraulic Design for Levee Overtopping
The purpose of overtopping or freeboard design is to minimize damages and catastrophic failure from floodwaters overtopping levees. This case study is presented to show the approach taken...

Vessel Induced Physical Effects in a Navigation Channel
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is investigating ways to improve lockage efficiency at the Marmet Locks on the Kanawha River, West Virginia. A physical effects prediction model have been...

International Research on Mechanics of River Bank Erosion?A Summary Overview
A brief overview is presented of research regarding mechanisms of river bank erosion and treatments. In the research river planforms, water stages, currents, waves, ice sediments, bed...

The Tides Effects on the Dam Break Flood Wave
The accuracy of water level predictions downstream of the dam is dependent upon the breach evaluation, the correct estimation of the roughness coefficients and when the flood wave reaches...

Freeboard Allowances for Chute Spillways
Allowances must be made for the physical phenomena which cannot be modelled, such as wave action, air bulking, splash and spray; the simplifications of behaviour implicit in the calculations;...

Computerized Measurement of Turbine Flow and Performance, Including Penstock Protection
The application of computer technology now makes it possible to measure turbine flows accurately, reliably and economically. The measurement is based on the differential pressure produced...

Characteristics of the Roesel Machine Used for Small Scale Hydro/Wind or Sea Wave Electric Power Generation and Storage
An electrical machine with property of synchronous as well as asynchronous characteristics and based on ceramic magnet programming technology by continuous printing of the desired number...

Model Studies for Potential Modification of Pardee Spillway
East Bay Municipal Utility District, a public water supply agency in the San Francisco Bay Area, is examining the spillway adequacy of its primary water supply reservoir. Flood routing...

Fretting Corrosion on Large Split Thrust Bearing Runners
In the early fifties interfacial slip was measured on laboratory models. Design improvements, resulting from these tests, were incorporated into later machines. These improvements appreciably...

Compaction Characteristics of Roller Compacted Concrete
This paper describes a fundamental study on the compaction characteristics of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) in the fresh state during vibration through a laboratory test and a field...

A Stochastic Seismological Model in Earthquake Engineering
Recent studies of source mechanisms and wave propagation models enable one to generate strong motions based on deterministic source and source-to-site characteristics. The normal mode...





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