Natural Resource Damage Case Selection Criteria
A number of practical considerations dictate that only a fraction of all potential natural resource claims are actually negotiated or litigated under Federal statutes that provides for...

Injury Determination and Quantification
Several different approaches for injury determination and quantification are discussed within the framework of the natural resource damage assessment process. The basic concepts and terminology...

Damage Determination
Various statutory authorities have designated agencies that own, manage or protect natural resources to be trustees for the resources on behalf of the public. Under those authorities,...

The Injury/Restoration Handshake
This paper explains the two components of restoration, proposes a system for evaluating injuries while planning a damage assessment, and applies these concepts to a hypothetical release...

The Use of Economics in Restoration Planning
Economic methods can be used to estimate the value of resource services in terms of a common denominator (e.g., dollars). Resource value estimates can help in determining the expected...

Pre-Spill Planning for Natural Resource Damage Assessments
The effectiveness of the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process for oil and chemical spills can be improved by planning and coordination among natural resource trustees before...

Effects of Surface Brine Disposal on the Marshes in Coastal Louisiana
In 1986, more than 1 billion barrels of brine were disposed of in Coastal Louisiana. Disposal of brine into surface water body is economically practical but environmentally detrimental....

Spilling Oil for the Environment
In a misdirected effort to make our coastal waters safe from oil spills, Congress has needlessly increased the risk. In fact, it has all but ensured that oil spills will happen with increasing...

Oil Spill Contingency Planning?Public Participation Through the Coastal Zone Management Process
After the Exxon Valdez tanker ran aground in Alaska on March 24, 1989, spilling over ten million gallons of crude oil into the waters of Prince William Sound, attention focused on the...

An Interagency Approach to Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material
Environmental considerations resulted in the development and planned implementation of environmentally beneficial dredged material disposal in connection with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers'...

Statistical Analysis of Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills of Less than 1,000 Barrels
A statistical analysis of the Minerals Management Service's (MMS) historic oil-spill data associated with Gulf of Mexico OCS oil production activities is presented. The analysis focused...

Oil in the Intertidal and Subtidal Sediment of the Saudi Arabian Coast One Year After the Gulf War Oil Spill
One year after the Gulf War oil spill, studies were conducted on the distribution and fate of oil in intertidal and shallow, subtidal habitats along the Saudi Arabian cost. These studies...

In-Water Habitat Restoration and Juvenile Salmonid Stranding in the Lower Columbia River
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) is considering using an eroded area in the Columbia River estuary to dispose of dredged material from the navigation channel. We conducted baseline...

Wetland Creation and Restoration on the US Pacific Coast
Major wetland creation or restoration projects on the Pacific Coasts of the United States have regional characteristics and reasons for being built: (1) they are all either within deep...

The NOAA Restoration Center: Next Steps
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Restoration Center (RC) was founded in 1991. Since its inception it has made significant progress along several fronts. Foremost,...

Offshore Marine Litter in Swansea Bay, Wales, UK
Offshore litter can originate from various sources; with land based (i.e., rivers and beaches), sewage disposal sites and sea dumping being the main source areas. Much work has been carried...

Dredged Material Filled Geotextile Containers
Design and construction of geotextile containers hydraulically and mechanically filled with a variety of dredged material types has gained popularity in the past few years because of their...

Pointe Mouillee: a 4600-acre Multiple Purpose Habitat Constructed and Restored in Western Lake Erie, USA
Pointe Mouille, part of a Michigan Wildlife Management Area, is the site of a major restoration project funded and constructed in the late 1970's by the US Army Corps of Engineers and...

Nearshore Berms: An Evaluation of Prototype Designs
The US Army Corps of Engineers continually seeks new ways to use clean dredged material. In recent years, placement of this material in shallow water to construct nearshore berms has become...

Challenges Associated with Metriciation of the Nautical Chart
Under the Metric conversion Act of 1975, Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, and Executive Order 12770 of 1991 all federal agencies are required to convert to the international...





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