Numerical Modeling of Water Flow over Porous Media
The momentum transport phenomena at the interface of porous media and fluid are numerically investigated. The single domain approach is used with matching boundary conditions; i.e., the...

Sediment Removal from Stormwater Runoff
Sediment traps, also known as baffle boxes, are being used throughout the state of Florida to remove sediment from stomiwater. A baffle box is divided into three compartments by two bathers,...

Interdisciplinary Research of Mountainous Areas: Past, Present, and Future
In the past few years, there has been a growing recognition internationally, of a need to better understand hydrometeorologic, hydraulic, sedimentologic, geomorphic processes in gravel-,...

Selection of the Form of Calculated Flood Hydrograph in Projecting Water Release Facilities
Traditionally, in evaluating hydraulic structures, river flood runoff hydrographs are determined by maximum flood water volume and discharge, duration of the flood and some other parameters,...

Nearshore Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling for Water Intake Evaluation and Design
The nearshore water of the Great Lakes is of vital interest to millions of residents. Lake water is often the focal point in issues concerning economic development, recreation, and public...

An Experimental Study on the Use of Constructed Wetlands for Stormwater Management
The purpose of this study is to compare the pollutant removal effectiveness of selected wetland vegetation such as cattails, reeds, and bulrushes by using laboratory bucket wetlands. Pollutants...

Computer Optimization of a Groundwater Treatment Facility
A computer model has been developed to optimize the operation of a groundwater oil recovery treatment plant. The site consists of 24 pump and treat recovery wells which lead to a treatment...

Risk-based Analysis of Major Rehabilitation of Hydraulic Structures Using REPAIR
This poster session presents a demonstration of a computer model developed by the Corps of Engineers to analyze investment proposals. The primary purpose of the model is evaluate investments...

Biodegradation Modeling of a Closed Landfill Site
The two-dimensional model, BIOPLUME II, was applied to the closed Becker County Landfill at Detroit township, Minnesota, to study the transport of hydrocarbons occurring at the site. The...

CHEMFLO Modeling of Aquifer Bioremediation in Vadose Zone
This paper deals with bioremediation in the vadose zone with an emphasis on using numerical models as a tool to ensure that the concentration of nutrients is maintained at a required level....

The Timberlake Dam Failure: A Hydrometeorological Assessment
Extremely heavy rainfall over the Timberlake basin in southwest Virginia on 23 June 1995 caused an earthen dam to fail and resulted in fatalities. The meteorological conditions are examined...

COASTMAP: An Integrated System for Environmental Monitoring, Modeling and Management
The development of COASTMAP, an integrated system for environmental monitoring, modeling and management for fresh and marine waters, is presented. The system allows the user to collect,...

Runoff Forecasting Using a Local Approximation Method
Forecasting of hydrological events, particularly floods, is an important topic of concern for hydrologists. Flood hazards can be prevented or their effects minimized if prior warning of...

Research to Application: Network Models to Simulate Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Media
Effective groundwater cleanup requires accurate site-specific information on cleanup processes. Numerical simulations limit the need for expensive field experiments and provide details...

Computational Tools for Subsurface Conceptualization
Development of subsurface conceptual models for use in groundwater flow and transport modeling requires that existing data in the form of boring logs, cone penetrometer (CPT) logs, geophysical...

The DOD Groundwater Modeling System: A Conceptual Model Approach
A suite of new simulation tools have been developed in the version 2.0 of the Department of Defense Groundwater Modeling System (GMS). These add considerable complexity to the GMS which...

Role of Vegetation in Hydraulics of Channel Restoration
Boundary layer theory is used to develop a backwater model for flows through vegetated waterways which can be employed to approximately estimate flow depth variation in channel restoration...

Subcatchment Parameterization for Runoff Modeling Using Digital Elevation Models
Numerical algorithms are presented to estimate the length, width and slope of rectangular planes representing irregularly shaped overland contributing areas defined on raster Digital Elevation...

A DEM Based Hydrologic and Sediment Transport Model
A DEM-based, physically-distributed model was developed for simulating event runoff and erosion on an agricultural watershed. Runoff was described using the diffusion equation with flow...

Effects of Spatial Data Resolution and Subarea Size on a Distributed Runoff Model
Spatial data layers of elevation, land use, and soils for a small agricultural watershed in Pennsylvania were used to study the effect of resolution degradation of raster data on the output...





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