Sedimentation and Flood Protection for the Lower Yellow River
The Lower Yellow River is known for its disastrous floods in the past. After 4 decades without major floodings, rapid economic and population growths along the River have drew concerns...

Surface Flows Over Intertidal Marshes
A marsh-flow measuring device has been designed to quantify the flow across the marsh surface. The fluorometric technique by tracking the visible substance (Rhodamine red dye) applied...

Development of a Two-Layered Groundwater Model for the Taipei Basin
The objective of this paper is to develop a groundwater model for flow simulation in the Taipei basin. A conceptual model of the basin is first developed; the model consists of an upper...

Development of San Gorgonio Pass Groundwater Flow Model I. Model Calibration
A groundwater flow model is being developed for use in management of a planned groundwater storage and recovery program for the Beaumont Storage Unit of the San Gorgonio Pass groundwater...

Debris Flow Velocity Estimation Methods for Natural Hazard Assessment
Debris flows are a special category of fluid and mass flow phenomena in which natural runoff entrains extremely high concentrations of sediment. The sediment-water mixture has properties...

Variability of Hydraulic Response of Constructed Wetlands
Dye tracer studies using Rhodamine WT have been performed on two field scale subsurface flow wetland units for further improvement of secondary treated municipal effluent at Byron Bay...

Mathematical Modeling of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta consists of a complex network of interconnected channels, open bodies of water, dead-end sloughs, export pumps, reservoirs, tide gates and irrigation pumps....

Application of Four Point Model to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Four Point (Delong et al. 1993) is a finite-difference, one-dimensional, unsteady, open channel, hydrodynamic model. The Modeling Support Branch of the Division of Planning, California...

A Unified Optimization?Simulation Aquifer Management Model
The optimal management scenario for a groundwater production system represents a delicate balance between the water production operational schedule, which will result in the least demand...

A Hydrodynamic Model for a Tidal Wetland
A hydrodynamic model is developed for San Elijo Lagoon, a wetland with tidally influenced area of 1.5 km2 (380 acres). A quasi two-dimensional (2-D)...

Mechanics of Riprap Movement in Tidal Flow
This analysis emphasizes the need to obtain data on the size and shape of riprap pieces as a function of movement, data which are surprisingly difficult to obtain from published studies....

Tidal Propagation in a Distorted Model
A largely analytical study of tidal flow in the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta system provides the basis of an investigation of physical model distortion on tidal circulation in a complicated...

A Model of Mixing in a Stratified Tidal Flow
We will describe a simple model of vertical mixing in a stratified tidal flow that might be observed in shallow estuary like San Francisco Bay. The model flow is driven by a specified...

Flow and Scour Near an Abutment
Laboratory experiments were used in conjunction with a two-dimensional depth-averaged numerical flow model, RBFVM-2D, to investigate the relationship between flow velocity distribution...

Scour Prediction Model at Bridge Abutments
A model to predict local abutment scour is presented. The model is based on a large number of laboratory experiments over the past half century. The dependent variable, a ratio that includes...

Computational Hydraulics?The Systems Approach
This paper introduces two modern computational hydraulic computer programs that combine the calculated subcritical and supercritical water surface profiles and pressure gradients in open...

Simulation of River Bed Evolution Below Tsengwen Reservoir in Taiwan
An uncoupled, one-dimensional river model, capable of simulating bed evolution, hydraulic sorting and armoring under unsteady flow conditions is presented in this paper. This unsteady...

On the Applicable Ranges of Kinematic and Diffusion Models in Open Channels
The kinematic and diffusion models using simplified momentum equations of the full dynamic equation have been frequently used for numerical flow simulations, because they have several...

Predicting Water Quality at Municipal Water Intakes Part 2: Application to the Southern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Work in progress on developing methodologies for predicting water quality at Municipal intakes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is discussed. Principal sources of salinity are identified...

Particle Tracking Model for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
A mathematical model has been developed to simulate the movement and fate of individual particles in a water column in an estuarine environment. The developed model not only keeps track...





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