Cross Sectional Area Reduction Floodway Method
Encroachment on the floodplain, such as structures and fill, reduces the stream's flood carrying capacity, increases the flood heights and velocities, and increases flood...

Hydraulic Design of the Unser Boulevard Crossing
As an integral part of the design process, a comprehensive hydrologic, hydraulic and sediment transport analysis was completed of the proposed Unser Boulevard crossing of Calabacillas...

Partnership in Environmental Design for Brush Creek Flood Control
Brush Creek drains a highly urbanized area in metropolitan Kansas City. A large physical model was used to develop a channel modification design for flood control. The Parks and Recreation...

Beach Erosion Protection Methods: Case Study of Dar City Tanzania
Coastal Tanzania has been experiencing severe beach erosion. Beach erosion is much felt in coastal cities like Dar es Salaam, Tanga etc. Beach erosion in Dar es Salaam has caused damage...

Analysis of Pumping Station and Force Main Networks
A computer program to simulate the performance of wastewater pumping station and force main networks is discussed. Results are presented which compare system performance for steady and...

Hydraulic Transient Analysis of High-Head Hydropower Project
An iterative computer simulation procedure called LIQT (Liquid Transient), which performs simulations of hydraulic transients in closed conduit hydro-power systems, is used to estimate...

Identifying Temporal Change in the Spatial Correlation of Regional Groundwater Contamination
An approach for estimating the semivariogram based on the jackknife method can be used in connection with standard confidence procedures to set closely approximate confidence limits on...

An Approach for Groundwater Plume Delineation
Product releases from underground storage tanks are in many cases very localized (point-source) and occur rapidly. When all or part of the released product reaches groundwater in a homogenous...

Empirical Methods in the Design of Ground-Water Quality Monitoring Strategies
Ground-water quality monitoring strategies are designed for environments ranging from the complex to the very simple. Complexity is characterized by socio-economic, public health, and...

A Real-time Approach to Groundwater Monitoring, Prediction, and Remediation
This paper outlines a integrated approach to the problem of predicting and controlling groundwater contamination. The key to this approach is to derive contaminant predictions by combining...

SWMM Application in Indian River County, Florida
The EPA's Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was used to simulate drainage canal system network within Indian River County, Florida. Runoff and Extran module of the PCSWMM...

The Colorado River Simulation System
The Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) is a comprehensive computer tool designed to assist water resource managers in long-range planning and management of the Colorado River Basin....

Design and Operation of Guard Gates
Guard gates for hydroelectric intakes and low-level outlets are normally intended for operation only under balanced heads. In the case of failure of regulating gates, the guard gate may...

Hydraulics of Side-Channel Weirs for Regional Detention Basins
Side-channel weirs can be used for diversion to reduce flood peaks. A 1:25 scale model was built to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of embankment-shaped side-channel weirs. Results...

Probabilities of Hydrologic Extremes and Risk Analysis
Extreme floods of very low probabilities, e.g., 10-6 and 10-7, are estimated using data on annual flood peaks...

Risk-Cost Principles for Dam Safety Analysis
The purpose of this paper is to present the principles and issues of risk-cost analysis as they have evolved in the evaluation of dam safety improvements. The paper also reviews some results...

Global Climate Change?Implications for Large Water Resource Systems
Prospects of global climatic change resulting from the greenhouse effect are causing increasing concern. Predicted increases in average global temperatures are likely to be accompanied...

Climate Change Effects on Great Lakes Levels
The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory has developed conceptual models for simulating moisture storages in and runoff from the 121 watersheds draining into the Laurentian Great...

Prediction Using Geostatistics and Mathematical Models
This paper discusses a new interpretation of geostatistical estimation and presents some thoughts on the meaning of probabilities in geostatistics and the role of mathematical models of...

Impact of Risk-Based Analysis on Hydrologic Design Practices
This paper provides a brief review of the current hydrologic design practices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) for safety inspection of dams and the current hydrologic design...





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