Application of the Maglev System in Germany
After the unification of Germany in 1991, the Federal Government decided to investigate Maglev links between the old and new Federal States to cope with the considerable increase of East-West...

The Transrapid Maglev System
The Transrapid 300 mph (500 km/hr) magnetically levitated transportation system is ready for revenue application and is under consideration for several sites in the U.S. The maglev system...

Transportation Engineering Basics
Transportation Engineering Basics covers twelve of the most fundamental aspects of transportation engineering. This book presents practical...

Small-Government GIS
Geographic information systems, or GISs, have shown great potential for use as a tool by public engineers working on the state and municipal level, but the time and money required to put...

Metric Design: It's Real
Metric construction is coming out of the ground in the U.S. as well as in the rest of the world. It's no longer something to be considered someday, somewhere. Metric�the Systeme...

Coastal Erosion and Protection in China
The recent coastal erosion in China was becoming increasingly remarkable in the late fifties and had taken a turn for the worse in the late seventies. At present there exist about 70 per...

Modern Air Pollution Reduction Technology on Platforms in the Pacific OCS
The Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) along the California coast line has the most sophisticated air pollution reduction technologies implemented in the world. This paper describes...

Priority Problems of the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine Complex
The Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine Complex encompasses an area of approximately 3600 square miles within the Mississippi deltaic plain, and consists of system of water bodies and wetlands...

The Source of Sediments in the Neuse River Estuary: Water Quality Management Implications
Pedological evidence in alluvial floodplains of the fluvial-estuarine transition zone of the Neuse River, North Carolina, shows that very little sediment from the Piedmont headwaters of...

Traffic and Lead Pollution on Lake Maracaibo's Western Coast
This project focused on Nerium Oleander (NO) (Berberia), an ornamental plant. Chemical analyses (acid digestion and atomic absorption spectrophotometry) of the plant's tissue and the soil...

A Guide for Controlling Agricultural Nonpoint Source Sediment Loads: Where to Treat?
The authors present a simplified guide to decide where to expend money and efforts to reduce sediment loads that cause water quality problems. This guide is intended for resource managers...

Coastal Development and Cumulative Effects
This paper considers management of habitat quality in coastal zones. It highlights contradictions between modern needs and past modes of development, including industrialization, agrarian...

Water Quality Impacts of a Lead/Zinc Mine in Northwest Alaska
In order to assure that water quality in the Red Dog Creek/lkalukrok Creek/Wulik River watershed returned to pre-mining conditions, the order required that water quality and fish tissue...

The Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program
A National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank (NMMTB) has been established as part of a comprehensive effort to obtain reliable information on contaminant levels in marine mammal tissues. A four...

Quality Assurance of Contaminant Measurements in Marine Mammal Tissues
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in conjunction with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is developing a program to improve the quality...

Assessing the Quality of Citizen Volunteer Monitoring
Total-error profiles and quality control charts are presented as quantitative techniques to determine acceptability of methodology and analyses for volunteer water quality monitoring programs....

Water Quality Management in the Southern North Sea
The inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the water and (suspended) sediments quality in the southern North Sea is determined mainly by the specific transport and mixing of water masses....

Implications of Environmental Dynamics for Sustainable Environment and Resources Management Futures in the Niger Delta
The paper examines the implications of environmental dynamics for environmental sustainability and resources management futures. The paper first discusses the concept and characteristics...

Canada's Atlantic Coastal Action Program: A Community-Based Approach to Coastal Management
ACAP is unique in the degree of stakeholder participation it employs. Whereas many CZM programs are government-centred and provide only for public advice or consultation, ACAP is founded...

Quantitative Assessment of Marine Traffic Environment by Using the Maneuvering Space Concept
In a coastal zone, it frequently becomes important to assess the influence of the constructions upon the marine traffic environment. Marine traffic is a man-machine system, and so not...





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