The Human Element in Space: Lessons from Antarctica
The human ability to adapt and perform in an extreme environment during periods of prolonged isolation is influenced by a number of social, cultural, and psychological parameters. These...

Space Operations - Care and Handling of Remains
On earth, effective methods have accommodated all functional and operational facilities and entities necessary for the handling of human remains. None have been overlooked or omitted....

XLA -- The X-ray Large Array
The Naval Research Laboratory, Stanford University, and The University of Washington have proposed a large (100 square meters) array of X-ray detectors, called XLA, to be built at the...

A New Approach to Higher Education on Space
Many universities around the country offer various types of space-related programs at undergraduate and graduate levels. These tend to be narrowly focused on space science or aerospace...

Report on the International Space UniversityTM 1988 Summer Session and Lunar Design Project
This paper describes the 1988 Summer Session of the International Space University (ISU) and the International Lunar Initiative (ILI) Design Project, taking place for nine weeks in the...

Education for Space Facilities Engineering
The Air Force Institute of Technology, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, contains a fully accredited graduate school of engineering which has the mission of meeting Air...

Space Facilities in Classroom Imagineering
This paper describes the rationale and results of two college classroom projects organized around themes of space facilities. These projects required Architecture students to prepare facility...

Interdisciplinary Course in Engineering Education
Few would disagree that an undergraduate education should equip the engineer with more than technical competence. The subject of this paper includes discussion of a senior-level interdisciplinary...

Structural Art in the Lunar Environment
Building structures will be a necessary part of extending our presence on the moon. In designing and building these structures, aesthetic value will play a prominent role. History shows...

Surgery in the Microgravity Environment
As man becomes more active in space, the possibility of major medical emergencies requiring surgical procedures will increase. Surgery in the microgravity environment involves many challenges...

CADD, The Integrated Data Base (IDB), and Engineering, Construction and Operations (EC&O) in Space
This paper is written from the viewpoint of Engineering Technical Managers interested in applying automation tools to the building process. Engineering, Construction and Operations in...

Gas Recycling: A Bioregenerative Life Support System
The prospect of a lunar or earth-orbiting space station raises the question of life support for long periods of time with little or no support from earth. The cost of lifting supplies...

Potential Application of Space Station Technology in Lunar Bases and Manned Mars Missions
To meet the goals of its Space Station program, NASA is developing a large set of improved space systems capabilities. In areas such as power generation and distribution, on-board data...

The Physics of Sediment Transport by Wind and Water
Sponsored by a special projects committee under the guidance of the Sedimentation Technical Committee of ASCE. This collection contains noteworthy,...

Critical Water Issues and Computer Applications
This book contains papers presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division of ASCE. The theme of the conference was Critical Water Issues...

Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics II?Recent Advances in Ground-Motion Evaluation
Ground-motion determination for analysis and design of engineering structures is a shared, interdisciplinary task involving geologists, seismologists, geophysicists, geotechnical engineers,...

Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering
This book contains extended abstracts of papers presented at the ASCE Specialty Conerence on probabilistic methods held in Blacksburg, Virginia on May 25-27, 1988. The field of probabilistic...

GIS Goes Public
The term Geographic Information Systems (GIS) covers a wide range of computerized mapping and database activities that vary between governments and even between agencies of the same governmental...

Assessing the West
Analyzing the geography, geology, flora and infrastructure in eight western states is a massive geotechnical project being undertaken for the military. More than 190,000 square miles have...

Affordable CADD
In the past few years many civil engineers have become aware of the advantages of CADD systems. However, CADD systems were originally prohibitively expensive for all but the largest offices....





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