Evaluation of Waste Disposal Sites Using Geotox
GEOTOX is a knowledge-based expert system designed to assist in the identification and classification of waste disposal sites. Existing methodologies such as formal or qualitative risk...

Structural Engineering and Microcomputers
This publication contains five papers on the use of microcomputers by structural engineers. The first paper discusses the design of multi-story rigid steel frames. The design process employed...

Effects of Damage and Redundancy on Structural Performance
There are numerous factors involved in the interrelationship between damage states, redundancy, system strength and structural performance. This volume examines some of these factors and...

The National Incinerator Testing & Evaluation Program
Environment Canada, under the National Incinerator Testing & Evaluation Program (NITEP), is addressing emissions from municipal energy-from-waste combustion systems. The main thrust...

Electronic Gymnastics
Efforts are being made to have all the parties to a project share the same, current information. In order to do so, civil engineering firms are jumping through electronic hoops to get...

Computer Scheduling: On-Line and On-Time
The Intermountain Power Plant, a coal fired, 761 MW coal fired electrica generating facility, has been completed months ahead of schedule and substantially under budget. Project managers...

Lawyer on a Microchip
Construction in the 1980s have become a complex, high stakes, intensely competitive business. For architects and engineers involved, the prospect of lawsuits has grown tremendously. An...

Expert Systems for Risk Analysis
An explanation is presented on why construction risk analysis can be handled by an expert system computer program. The author offers a prototype construction risk management expert system...

Delivery System Schedules and Required Capacities
The delivery of irrigation water to farmers from irrigation districts vary considerably from one project to another. A number of delivery schedules have been identified according to the...

System Scheduling for Large Farming Operations
Irrigation scheduling uses evapotranspiration data to recommend the time and amount of the next irrigation on a field by field basis. System scheduling minimizes the cost of water deliveries...

Arranged Delivery Schedules
The method of delivery of irrigation water to farmers from irrigation districts vary considerably from one project to another. Rotation delivery systems usually place too many restrictions...

Demand Irrigation Schedules
This class of schedules consists of Demand and Limited Rate Demand. They need no communication system and can satisfy the on-farm needs with negligible constraint. The Demand schedule...

Structuring Distribution Agencies for Irrigation Water Delivery
The performance of an irrigation project is significantly influenced by the organization which distributes water to users. It is demonstrated that a intermediate level authority, typically...

Overview of Canal Control Concepts
An overview of terminology and philosophies of canal control, plus brief descriptions of canal automation technologies, is given. The justification given for examining control schemes...

Neyrtec Automatic Equipment for Irrigation Canals
The French Company ALSTHOM has developed a line of simple equipment for automatic level control and constant discharge control in canal irrigation systems. The paper includes a description...

Controlled-leak Methods for Water Level Control
The controlled-leak methods are a group of similar techniques for controlling upstream water levels, downstream water levels, or offtake canal discharges. They require no electrical power...

Automated Water Control in Southern Alberta
The distributed control system for water delivery that has evolved in Alberta, Canada is described including the type of hardware used and the general operating philosophy. Of importance...

Bival System for Downstream Control
The BIVAL system of canal regulation guarantees that the maximum discharge can be delivered at any time, as for downstream control systems and, moreover, it minimizes the canal dyking...

Canal Automation Using the Electronic Filter Level Offset (EL-FLO) Method
Beginning in 1969, the Bureau of Reclamation began testing and refining an electronic filter level offset (EL-FLO) control system for canal automation. The control system uses a proportional...

Philosophy and Implementation of Gate Stroking
The purpose of this paper is to examine one control method - gate stroking - the philosophy which would lead to its selection and an example of its implementation. Gate stroking provides...





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