Conjunctive Use in the Niles Cone, California
The use of in-stream facilities for artificial recharge in stream channels as practiced in Alameda County, California, is discussed. The facilities are (1) stream channels with no other...

Deepwell Infiltration in the North-Holland Dune Area
Deep well infiltration now generally is considered the cue for the future extensions of artificial ground water recharge in or outside the dunes. The Provincial Waterworks of North-Holland...

Distribution System Rehabilitation
Hackensack Water Company has had an on-going program of cleaning and lining its transmission mains to increase their capacity and lower its pumping costs. But by late 1986, the need to...

Inexpensive Geo-Coding for Water Utilities
Geo-Coding enables Hackensack Water Company to optimize meter reading and customer service routing; to analyze water consumption data at a micro level, and relate that data to census and...

Emerging Applications of Water Valuation
This paper identifies the emerging importance of the water value concept through a number of applications. These emerging applications include natural resource damage assessment, water...

Should Fast Track be Derailed?
Engineers, architects and owners believe that fast track construction is a great idea when it works, but serious problems can arise. Some engineers feel that the owner reaps all the benefits...

Preliminary Dynamic Analyses of the Ministry of Agriculture Building
The Ministry of Agriculture building on Avenida San Antonio Abad was originally constructed as a 17 story reinforced concrete structure using a waffle slab system with interior reinforced...

Effects on Infrastructure
Effects on the transportation and communications infrastructure due to the earthquakes of September 19 and 20 are described and analyzed. It can be concluded that these effects were actually...

Summary of the Effects of the 1985 Mexico Earthquake to Power and Industrial Facilities
A major industrial area and two power plants are near the epicenter of the Magnitude 8. 1 Mexico Earthquake of September 19, 1985. All investigated facilities are modern, generally well...

The Impact of the Construction of Public Works by the Earthquakes of September 1985
The earthquake of September 19th and 20th, 1985, is discussed with emphasis on general damage. The works of the Head Office of Urban Services is described in relation to emergency response....

Managing Dioxin
Dioxins, among the most toxic compounds known to man, are by-products from production of other chemical products. There are currently about 5000 metric tons of dioxin-containing wastes...

Strategies to Protect the Apalachicola Estuary
The Apalachicola River basin and estuary lie in northwest Florida, and are unique and productive resources. In the early 1970s the ecological integrity of the basin was threatened on several...

Environmental Impacts of Arctic Marine Transportation: Addressing the Issues through Research and the Provision of Advice
The prospect of numerous transits of the Canadian Northwest Passage and other northern waters by icebreaking tankers raises various environmental issues. This paper reviews the growth...

Marine Safety, the Marine Environment, and MSIS
The Marine Safety Information System (MSIS) serves as a management information system for the allocation of increasingly scarce coast guard (CG) resources. Its large, central data base...

Safety Improvement Planning of Port and Harbour Facilities Considering Captains' Refuge Action Criteria
Since the Jane Typhoon in 1950, which induced much damages on port and harbour facilities and the ships in the ports, it has been a custom in Japan that the large-sized ships take refuge...

NOAA Weather Radio: The Source of Weather Information 24 Hours a Day
Weather plays an important role in the day to day affairs of coastal communities. The timely and accurate receipt of weather information is critical, especially during inclement conditions....

Use of a Geographic Information System as a Tool for Making Land Use Management Decisions for Coastal Wetlands in a State Regulatory Program
The Coastal Management Division of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources is responsible for protecting and managing activities which occur in wetlands. As a tool for making decisions...

The Importance of Large Landsat Data Sets for Isolating Sediment Resuspension Processes
An optical density analysis of Landsat film transparencies would show spatial variations of suspended sediment concentrations. The residual optical density profile inversely shows above...

The Life Cycle of a CERC: 1963-1983
Anticipating new opportunities in the coastal zone and convinced that basic research would be the means to secure them, in 1963 the United States Army Corps of Engineers created an independent...

Hurricane Induced Changes in Apalachicola Bay, Fla.
Immediately prior to a hurricane a detailed study had just been completed that included description and analysis of the bay's bottom sediments and its bathymetry. A similarly...





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