Full Scale Dynamic Monitoring of Highway Bridges
Sensitivity of identified modal properties by physical testing is critical for automated monitoring of bridge structural condition. It is investigated here considering flexure modes and...

What is Optimization?
Basic concepts of optimization are described using design of a plate girder as an example. First, a way to formulate the problem as an optimization problem is presented. Then basic terminologies...

How to Optimize Steel Frameworks
This paper presents the details of a design synthesis strategy to conduct computer-automated design of least-weight structural steel frameworks, where members are automatically sized using...

Steel Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete?An End-User Prospective
Nearly 15 years of experience demonstrates that steel reinforcing fibers in shotcrete offer considerable advantages to all end-users: designers, contractors and owners. These include demonstrable...

Large Scale Testing of Shotcrete
A large scale test program was carried out to evaluate the relative roles of steel fiber and mesh reinforced shotcrete for hard rock stabilization. The most realistic conditions in a tunnel...

What Does Bring Ductility to Steel Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete?
It is generally accepted that ductility is the main characteristic of SFRS. Tests on scale 1/1 have been conducted to determine the influence of ductility on the bearing capacity and crack...

A Comparative Study of Different Steel Fibers in Shotcrete
Two steel fiber reinforced shotcrete (sfrs) test programs have been carried out in eastern Canada using steel fibers which are available in the north American marketplace. The first program...

The Use of Yield-Line Theory in the Design of Steel-Fibre Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Using yield line calculations for steel fibre reinforced slabs a formula for the design strength of shotcrete linings is developed. The formula establishes a connection between the toughness...

Steel Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete Design
There is a need for introducing toughness and ductility in SFRS design. The Japanese Standard introduces the equivalent flexural strength, which characterizes SFRS toughness and allows...

Application of Shotcrete for Ground Support at Inco Mines
In 1989, shotcrete was first successfully introduced for ground support in production areas at Frood Mine. Until then the only successful application of shotcrete had been in major permanent...

IVHS: The Invisible Revolution
Federal funding for intelligent vehicle highway systems has increased a hundredfold since 1989, from $2 million to almost $200 million. Transportation planners are looking increasingly...

MASSPORT Modernization
Construction began last fall on the Massachusetts Port Authority (MASSPORT) upgrade of the 50-year-old Paul W. Conley Terminal in Boston. When completed in 1994, this timber-pile-supported...

Plastic Piling
Composite plastic and steel piles are gaining acceptance throughout the United States. The evolving technology has produced a unique product which solves several problems related to use...

TVO-92 Safety Analysis of Spent Fuel Disposal
Spent fuel from the TVO I and TVO II reactors is planned to be disposed of in a repository to be constructed at a depth of about 500 meters in crystalline bedrock. The fuel will be encapsulated...

Post-Test Evaluations of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant?Savannah River Simulated Defense HLW Canisters and Waste Form
Eighteen nonradioactive defense high-level waste (DHLW) canisters were emplaced in and subjected to accelerated overtest thermal conditions for about three years at the bedded salt Waste...

Corrosion Life-Time Assessment of Carbon Steel and Stainless Alloys for Geological Disposal Facility
The disposal facility for radioactive wastes, requires long-term integrity. Metal is considering to use as the engineered barrier which constructs the outer walls in such a facility, in...

Localized Corrosion Prediction for Nuclear Waste Disposal Container Materials
When the bentonite is used in the geological disposal of high-level wastes as a buffer material to stand between containers and host rocks, thereby turning the pH of the groundwater slightly...

Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Strategy for Salmon
Three species of Snake River salmon have been listed as threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. In response, the Northwest Power Planning Council worked with...

Grillage Analogy for Multigirder Bridges
Grillage analogy is a method frequently used to simulate the structural response of highway bridges with reinforced concrete deck and steel girders. This approach saves substantial efforts...

Object-Oriented Finite Element Modeling
The present paper studies the suitability of object-oriented modeling strategies for problems of structural mechanics. After a general discussion of the topic, special emphasis is put...





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