Uncertainty in Urban Hydrologic Modeling
Uncertainty is pervasive in hydrologic modeling. Uncertainty is present in the formulation of the physical situation to be modeled, in the form of the model to be used, in the boundary...

Effect of Storm Distribution on Watershed Stormwater Management
This paper presents a case study illustrating the effect of the selection of rainfall distribution pattern upon the ability of a calibrated rainfall-runoff simulation model to replicate...

Evaluation of the Feasibility to Retrofit Stormwater Control Facilities to Improve Pollutant Removal Performance
This paper presents the results of an analysis that was performed to predict the efficiency of removal for suspended sediments in storm runoff under existing conditions and under several...

Levee Failure at Elba, Alabama
In March 1990, flooding resulted in levee failure at Elba, Alabama. The levee project was constructed in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration to provide protection to the city from...

A Community-Focused Routing and Siting Model for Hazardous Materials and Wastes
A model is presented that shippers, carriers and policy-makers can use to analyze routing problems for hazardous materials or routing-and-siting problems for wastes. Unlike many other...

Truck Accident and Release Rates for Hazmat Routing
Estimates of accident and release rates are essential in the conduct of risk assessments in routing studies for highway transportation of hazardous materials. Recent published literature...

Evaluation of Hazardous Material Transportation by Rail
ALK Associates Inc. of Princtron, NJ has developed a computer model, the Rail Hazardous Materials Routing System, which provides historical accident rate and population exposure statistics...

A Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Approach for Selecting Routes: Case Study of Hazardous Waste Transportation in Arizona
The study objective was to provide an approach to selecting routes to a proposed hazardous waste treatment and storage facility, based on a risk and vulnerability assessment. Probability...

StateGEN/StateNET and DOT Guidelines: Tools for Highway Routing of Hazardous Materials
Under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy Office, of Defense Programs, Sandia National Laboratories' Transportation Technology Center has developed computerized...

Computer-Assisted Risk Assessment of Dangerous Goods Transportation for Haute-Normandie
To assess the 'best' routes for the transport of dangerous goods in an area of 600 km2 in France, software based on a geographical information system to manage,...

Performance of Building Resistance to Water, Waves and Erosion
Water damage to buildings due to Hugo was widespread and severe throughout low-lying coastal areas. Flood insurance claim payments have already exceeded $350 million, the largest payout...

Flood Insurance Construction Standards: Can They Work on the Coast?
This article discusses the construction standards employed for flood insurance. Flooding caused by Hurricane Fredric is employed as a case study....

Historical Changes in the Beaches of Los Angeles County
The condition of the beaches of Santa Monica Bay are the result of natural events and man's intervention in coastal processes. This paper reviews events which have shaped...

Great Lakes Wave Runup Methodology Study
The Great Lakes region has 5,480 miles of U.S. lakeshore. Located along this shoreline are approximately 340 Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Study sites with the associated...

Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Mitigation Plan
The construction of public works projects within a coastal zone requires the cooperation of all permitting and approval authorities to identify project goals, impacts and alternatives...

Shoreface Connected Ridges Along the Dutch Coast
Quasi-synoptic current measurements were obtained across the Dutch shoreface connected ridges using an acoustic Doppler current profiler. The measurements are used to evaluate the role...

Wave-Current Interaction at Wells Inlet, Maine
Wells Inlet is a jettied waterway along the southern coast of Maine. Since its initial structuring and dredging for harborage, the inlet has been plagued by severe shoaling. The jetties...

The Wisconsin River System Operations Model: WIRSOM
The passage of the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to give equal consideration to non-power as well as power values in hydroelectric...

An Alternative Approach to the Maximum Flood Concept
This paper outlines an alternative to the current approach for determining the maximum flood of river basins. The condition of the maximum flood is derived from the convolution integral...

Satellite Imagery Refines PMF Determination
This paper focuses on electromagnetic energy sensors, and describes how they are being used to determine the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for a drainage basin in Michigan. Remote sensing...





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