A Microcomputer Reservoir Decision Model
The paper discusses the development of a dynamic programming model to optimize reservoir operations. Given statistical summaries of inflows, forecasts of near-term inflows, and cost statements...

Three-Dimensional Boundary Element Techniques for Moving Boundary Problems
The boundary element method (BEM) is a powerful numerical method well suited for a wide variety of engineering problems. The numerical computations are performed only on the boundary of...

Water System Data Base for Naples, Florida
Boyle Engineering Corporation has developed a comprehensive database technique using its Intergraph Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) system to assist in the computer modeling...

Hydraulic Transient Analysis on a Micro Computer
The shift toward micros has reduced prices and increased accessibility, permitting engineers to bypass 'bureaucratic' DP departments and run programs as often...

Interactive Modeling and Display of Spatial and Time Varying Phenomena Using CAPLIB7
This paper describes some of the software being used at Cornell University to aid the development of tools for modeling phenomena having both spatial and temporal dimensions. Such models...

Statistical Analysis of Tellico Dam Piezometer Data
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of statistical and computer processing methods as a tool for analyzing dam safety piezometric monitoring data. Statistical methods are...

A Microcomputer Program for Bearing Capacity Analysis
The objective of this paper is to introduce an IBM/PC/XT/AT microcomputer program for the Bearing Capacity Analysis of Shallow Foundations. The program incorporates the bearing capacity...

Geotechnical Data Acquisition and Computerized Analysis
In 1983 and 1984, an exploratory tunnel was constructed as part of the geotechnical exploration program for two highway tunnels to be constructed for the improvement of Interstate 70 through...

Microcomputers and Design Codes: A Case Study
A microcomputer analysis of the thermal stress problem in reinforced concrete box sections was conducted. An explicit finite difference algorithm for a one-dimensional heat flow analysis...

Interactive Microcomputer Analysis and Design of Light Gage Steel Roof Systems
A hinderance to the widespread acceptance of the cold-formed steel roof Z-purlin in conventionally engineered buildings is due to the lack of a useful and efficient analysis and design...

DAST100: A Powerful Structural Analysis Program for Micro-Computers
The advent of micro-processor revolution encouraged the growth of powerful large size programs for micro-computers during the last few years. Purpose of this paper is to introduce one...

Structural Engineering via Interactive Microcomputing
Development of a microcomputer software package which will analyze, design and detail structural systems. The ability to analyze, design and detail will be included in initial development...

Computer Aided Analysis of Frame Structures
A Plane Frame Analysis (PFA) system is presented. The system analyses structures with prismatic beam and truss elements, elastic supports, internal releases, support settlements, node...

Static and Dynamic Analysis of Highrise Buildings on Microcomputers
The author's experience in conducting static and dynamic analyses of three-dimensional multistory buildings on microcomputers using the tier building model and the method...

Intrinsic Models for Interactive Structural Design
This paper introduces a 'generic' model for interactive design of constructed facilities. The proposed methodology takes real world conditions, in terms of load...

Hierarchical Substructuring for Adaptive Analysis
An algorithm for the automatic generation, from solid models, of finite element meshes organized as spatially addressable quaternary trees (for 2-D analysis) or octal trees (for 3-D analysis)...

Computerized Construction Cost Estimating in County Government
Prior to establishment of a computerized contruction cost estimating system, four engineering divisions within the Department of Public Works in Fairfax County, Virginia, performed some...

Coordination of Interconnected Arterial Traffic Signals
Present analytical methods and computer programs offer capabilities of optimizing the traffic signal coordination for a series of signalized intersections. Recently, transportation research...

Estuarine Hydrodynamic Modeling on MicroComputers
The program for a two dimensional finite difference estuarine model was adapted for use on a modified IBM-PC/XT microcomputer. Commercially available hardware and supporting software were...

Expert Systems for Dynamic Analysis Interpretation
Recent developments in expert systems technology have enabled expertise to be represented within a computer solution. This technology has allowed for the development of 'intelligent'...





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