Gatlinburg's Transportation Management Plan
A series of transportation recommendations developed for Gatlinburg, Tennessee and the impacts of these transportation system changes are documented. Problems and recommended solutions...

Revitalization of Urban Water Supply and Distribution Systems: Detroit and Phoenix Case Studies
In 1980 the people in the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department were asking themselves the kind of question that is facing the managers of many municipal utilities in this country these...

Inventorying the System/Inspection Introductory Remarks
A major sewer system evaluation survey is nearing completion in the seven communities which make up Special District No. 1 of the East Bay Municipal Utility District. A major effort has...

On-Line Computerized Maintenance Management
Maintenance is the last cost saving frontier of scientific management. Top management has concentrated on production for generations, largely ignoring maintenance. The attitude of 'fix...

Infrastructure Project Management and the Power of Implementation
The purpose of this paper is to bring renewed attention to project management concepts and public policy implementation issues as they apply to infrastructure development and renewal....

Infrastructure Awareness: Successful Techniques
The need to rehabilitate and upgrade our infrastructure systems, specifically the systems of water supply and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, bridges, highways and mass...

The National Infrastructure Act
Today, more than ever before, the United States faces a serious problem related to the condition and adequacy of its basic infrastructure - surface transportation, water supply and distribution,...

Design and Model Testing of an Arctic Seawater Intake for Sedimentation and Wave Effects
A seawater intake structure is being designed to provide flood water for tertiary recovery of oil from the Kuparuk oil field near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. A wave effects study establishes...

An HF CODAR Doppler Transponder System
Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company completed two major phases in the development of a high frequency (HF) CODAR Doppler transponder system for measuring sea ice motion. The system...

Pile Creep Designs for Frozen Layered Profiles
A concept of relative creep stiffness suitable for the evaluation of the long-term, uniform creep behavior of non-ice type, frozen soils is presented. This concept extends the current...

Cost-Effective Arctic Concrete Structures
The economic development of offshore Arctic petroleum fields dictates that Arctic structures be both cost-effective and deliverable with minimum lead time. Concrete structures are typically...

Multi-Truss Design for Tower
A modified structural steel system of outrigger trusses and belt trusses bolster the 54-story Equitable Tower West. Located in New York City, the building's structural system...

Negatively Buoyant Flow in a Diverging Channel
Negatively buoyant (plunging) flow from a horizontal, constant width channel into a diverging channel has been studied in the laboratory. The study was undertaken to provide information...

Methods for Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Networks
A detailed review of the literature reveals that there is currently no universally accepted definition or measure of reliability for water distribution networks. The purpose of this paper...

Initial Operation Model for the Central Arizona Project
A microcomputer program for operating uncompleted portions of the Central Arizona Project has been developed. Engineers may use this program daily to assist in scheduling pumping plant...

Nuclear Outages: An Approach to Project Controls
The nuclear refueling outage is short-lived, fast paced, and very costly to the nuclear utility. To better control modification expenses and reduce outage-related costs, utilities are...

Intact Decommissioning Alternative for Nuclear Power Plants
Previous studies of decommissioning options for nuclear power plants have examined potential alternatives such as immediate dismantlement, entombment, and moth-balling. This paper describes...

Managing a New Start Rail Transit Agency
In 1982 the Southern California Rapid Transit District (RTD) was facing two major challenges. A Policy and Management Plan was developed to meet these two major challenges. The Policy...

Managing Major Transit Construction Projects
Building rapid transit systems is a regular and ongoing world wide occurrence. However, for cities initiating first time transit system development it is truly a unique experience. Initiating...

Organization for Rapid Transit Design and Construction
This paper discusses organizational arrangements for design and construction of rapid rail transit systems and the advantages and disadvantages of the various organizational arrangements....





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