Large Reinforced Concrete Active Reclaim Silos
The design and construction of large reinforced concrete shell silos used to provide economical short-term protected storage for coal and lignite in the active reclaim systems of power...
Design of Steel Buildings for Second Order Effects
Several methods of calculating corrected effective length factors for unbraced frames are presented and discussed. In addition, an alternate format is suggested for the ASD beam-column...
Projectile Penetration Into Reinforced Concrete and Steel Targets
This paper presents brief preliminary results of a research program sponsored by the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL) to investigate the interaction of 30-mm cannon projectiles with...
Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal '87
This volume contains 55 papers covering many aspects of geotechnical issues associated with waste disposal. The papers represent advances during the intervening decade since the first...
Dioxin and Resource Recovery
The 1987 ASCE Dioxin and Resource Recovery Symposium was held at the New York Hilton Hotel, New York on February 10, 1987. The conference served as an opportunity to assess the issue of...
A Burning Wasteland Reclaimed
Until recently the PJP Landfill exemplified what can happen when uncontrolled and illegal dumping goes on for many years. Now it is an example of what innovation and imagination can do...
Engineers in Court
Engineers who like debating often serve as expert witnesses. Though many avoid forensic work because they find lawyers intimidating, some like the challenge of explaining engineering principles...
A Data Base System for Hazardous Materials Transportation
This paper reports on a hazardous materials transportation study conducted in Arizona. Two types of surveys were conducted: hazardous waste shipments for 1983 and 1984 compiled from manifests;...
Procedures for Evaluating TSM Projects
The constraints of limited funding, increasing demand and environmental impact have led to an increase in Transportation Systems Management (TSM) improvements on surface transport systems....
Simulation of Intersections During Reconstruction
In order to make computer simulation of intersections more appealing and easier to use, and interactive, menu-driven micro-computer program, called INTERCON (Michalopoulos and Plum, 1986),...
Photogrammetric Analysis Using a Personal Computer
In many cases, photographs of the accident scene taken soon after the event contain visible evidence of road marks and/or debris. By the time the case reaches the accident investigator/reconstructionist,...
Building Structures
This volume contains over forty papers from thirteen sessions of Structures Congress '87. The papers include a variety of topics on the overall behavior and design of buildings...
Ground Water Management
This manual is designed to present an outline of groundwater hydrology, the details of planning for groundwater management, and a process of selection and implementation of management...
Teleport: New Wave Engineering
Between $600 and $700 million will be spent on teleports now being planned in the U.S., presenting interesting challenges to civil engineers. Just as airports and seaports serve as collection...
Connecticut: A Success Story
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) had warned the state legislature that its highways and bridges would continue to deteriorate without increased funds for inspection,...
Preliminary Design and Construction Plan for an Ocean Wave Energy Conversion System
A preliminary design and construction plan for a prototype wave energy conversion system is described. While the design methodology and construction procedures are intended for generic...
Geosynthetics Unearthing New Applications
Geosynthetics are now a $700 million industry. Called geomembranes, geotextiles, geogrids and geocomposites, geosynthetics complement or replace geotechnical designs. Five case studies...
Taking the Loss Out of Risk
Since Superfund was authorized in 1981 and 22,000 hazardous waste sites put on notice, funds for remedial action have peaked with $20 billion annual clean-up budgets projected. But to...
Generating Alternative Financing Models for Urban Transportation: An Application of the Idea Machine
The purpose of this research was to examine how localities in Virginia could obtain funds for urban highway construction and maintenance, and indirectly, for mass transit from the so-called...
Impact Fees: Florida's Link Between Growth, Road Improvements, and Financing
Impact fees are one mechanism by which local governments can obtain additional revenue needed to construct major roads demanded by the consequences of new development. In Florida, the...
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