Post-Irradiation Fuel Assembly Dimensions for Transportation and Storage Cask Designs
When designing casks for the shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF), one of the most important considerations is the external dimensions of the fuel assemblies to be shipped. Since SNF assemblies...
Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Sweden?Experiences and Plans
The principle adopted for the management of spent nuclear fuel from the Swedish reactors is final disposal without reprocessing. During the 1980ies systems and facilities for the transport...
Taipower's Spent Fuel Interim Storage Program
Given the original designs, the existing six nuclear power units of Taiwan Power Company will lose full core discharge capability before end 1990's. To timely fulfill additional spent...
Multi-Purpose Canisters as an Alternative for Storage, Transportation, and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel
A study was conducted to assess the feasibility of using multi-purpose canisters to handle spent nuclear fuel throughout the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System. Multi-purpose...
A Multi-Purpose Unit Concept to Integrate Storage, Transportation, and the Engineered Barrier System
The Multi-Purpose Unit (MPU) is a new concept for standardizing and integrating the waste management functions of spent fuel storage, transportation, and geologic disposal. The MPU concept...
A Concept to Combine DOE Waste Minimization Goals with Commercial Utility Needs for a Universal Container System for Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage, Transportation, and Disposal
The concept of storing, transporting, and disposing of spent fuel using a single package, which has obvious advantages, is put forward. It is coupled with using contaminated scrap metal...
Perspectives on Out-of-Pool Spent Fuel Storage Requirements 1992-2036
The estimates of requirements for additional storage capacity for spent nuclear fuel from commercial LWRs in the United States are examined in this study. A comparison of this study's...
Throughput Rate Study
The Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System (CRWMS) Management and Operating (M&O) Contractor, has completed a study to analyze system wide impacts of operating the CRWMS...
Systems Integration and Economic Aspects of the Universal Container System
Universal containers (UC) are multi-assembly spent fuel containers that are loaded and sealed at reactor sites or the first DOE facility. They are thereafter handled as clean containers...
Conceptual Design of a Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility
In order to achieve timely acceptance of spent nuclear fuel into the federal radioactive waste management system and to limit the amount of additional at-reactor storage capacity that...
Demonstration of a Transportable Storage System for Spent Nuclear Fuel
The ultimate disposal of spent nuclear fuel is a major issue that continues to plague the nuclear industry and the Department of Energy (DOE). In an effort to resolve some of the outstanding...
Evaluation of Spent Fuel Behavior Under Interim Storage Conditions in Russia
The nuclear power in Russia is based on three types of water cooled power reactors VVER-440, -1000 and RBMK-1000. Two fast sodium cooled reactors-prototypes BN-350 and BN-600 are in commercial...
Shielding Benchmark Calculations of Selected Spent Fuel Storage Cask Experiments
This paper describes the application of the three-dimensional Monte Carlo code MORSE-SGC, as implemented in the SCALE system calculational sequence SAS4, to the analysis of a series of...
Verification of Shielding Analysis for Spent Fuel Storage Casks
Casks of type CASTOR are used for transport and storage of spent LWR fuel assemblies. The purpose of the present work is the verification of shielding design analysis methods by application...
Treatment of Non Fuel Bearing Scrap
Problems encountered with the processing of irradiated non fuel bearing components (NFBC) during several rod consolidation demonstration programs identified the need to conduct further...
Consolidating BWR Non-Fuel Bearing Components (NFBC)
Nuclear Assurance Corporation (NAC), in cooperation the with Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation (ESEERCO) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), has been developing...
Glen Canyon: The Economic Costs
Revenues from power produced at Glen Canyon Dam are used to support Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) purposes, to pay O&M costs, and to repay construction costs. Generation...
Agricultural Water Conservation Technology Transfer
Efforts to implement computer programs which encourage water and energy conservation in the Columbia Basin, are described. Irrigators use the irrigation scheduling program to receive recommendations...
A Structural Analysis System
In this paper, the importance of the structural analysis in accordance with the construction progress was emphasized to accurately predict the structural behavior of prestressed concrete...
The 3D Approach to Design
Designing directly in three dimensions, including integrated analysis and information flow, is a powerful way to enhance civil engineering capabilities. Yet, relatively few have taken...
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