A Burning Wasteland Reclaimed
Until recently the PJP Landfill exemplified what can happen when uncontrolled and illegal dumping goes on for many years. Now it is an example of what innovation and imagination can do...
Treating Expansive Soils
Damage that expansive soils do to light buildings can often be prevented or mitigated by preconstruction soil treatment. Treatments of three kinds are described�reworking the soil, controlling...
A Data Base System for Hazardous Materials Transportation
This paper reports on a hazardous materials transportation study conducted in Arizona. Two types of surveys were conducted: hazardous waste shipments for 1983 and 1984 compiled from manifests;...
Ground Water Management
This manual is designed to present an outline of groundwater hydrology, the details of planning for groundwater management, and a process of selection and implementation of management...
Prototype Wave Power Stations in Norway
The KVAENER multi resonant oscillating wave column (MOWC) power station is both described and discussed. The power station, which is now on-line, is designed to produce 1 MW of peak electrical...
Water Supply System Rehabilitation
This report was prepared to assist practicing engineers meet the challenge of rehabilitating old drinking water systems, many of which have been in existence for over 100 years and are...
Geosynthetics Unearthing New Applications
Geosynthetics are now a $700 million industry. Called geomembranes, geotextiles, geogrids and geocomposites, geosynthetics complement or replace geotechnical designs. Five case studies...
Taking the Loss Out of Risk
Since Superfund was authorized in 1981 and 22,000 hazardous waste sites put on notice, funds for remedial action have peaked with $20 billion annual clean-up budgets projected. But to...
The Effects of Earthquakes on Power and Industrial Facilities and Implications for Nuclear Power Plant Design
Fifteen earthquakes, ranging from magnitude 5.2 to 8.4 on the Richter scale that have occurred in five countries since 1952, were studied. This report documents the performance of power...
Bright Lights Over China
The financing for Guangdong province's newest 700 mw coal fired electric power station came from a syndicate of 46 banks from 11 countries. The steel for the turbine generators...
Construction Guide Liners
Geomembrane liners for waste construction require meticulous construction, monitoring and weather watching. With much concern over the longevity of geosynthetics, many overlook the extreme...
Ocean Energy: Can It Compete?
Electric power plants using ocean energy are technically viable, but they tend to be cost-prohibitive. A study commissioned by the Electric Power Research Institute and carried out by...
Going Sewerless
An in-building wastewater recycling system is an option where lack of sewers, limits on water supply, and special concerns about water quality are obstacles. The system was incorporated...
Digestor Do-Over
Digesters at 6 Orange County (Calif.) wastewater treatment plants needed drastic odor control rehabilitation. Repairs included epoxy patching to cracked domes, installation of a geomembrane...
Pipe-lining a Pipeline
This core prestressed concrete cylinder pipe is now lining the inside of a major water supply tunnel in Alaska. Occasionally found in rock tunnels, or buried pipelines, large diameter,...
Another Geotech Import: Deep Soil Mixing
A technique called deep soil mixing (DSM), imported from Japan, has been used to stabilize an existing dam foundation. When the Bureau of Reclamation discovered that Jackson Lake Dam had...
Ozoning the Aqueduct
Only the second of its kind in the United States, the Los Angeles Aqueduct Filtration Plant is using ozone to treat drinking water. The water comes from the Sierra Nevadas via the 300...
Supervisory Control System Design
This paper presents supervisory control concepts, elements of a typical system, testing activities, project management, and the procurement process. Modes of control systems are discussed...
Capacity Increase of Multi-Jet Pelton Turbines
The recent connection to the grid of large capacity thermal stations, to meet the increasing demand, has entailed an evolution in the type of services required from storage plants with...
Rock Island District Hydropower
The paper discusses status of hydropower studies within the Rock Island District of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. It presents an overview of the low head hydropower studies on those...
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