Benefit/Cost Analysis of Stormwater Detention Systems
In the past, detention basins have been designed to control peak discharge rates. However, there is considerable interest in using the detention basin for control of nonpoint source pollution....

Combining Groundwater Simulation and Nonlinear Optimization Models
An approach is presented for linking groundwater simulation models with nonlinear optimization algorithms. The approach involves the solution of a reduced optimization model in which the...

Tutorial: Fuzzy Set Theory in Water Resources Systems
Principles of using fuzzy set theory (FST) to describe imprecision (or vagueness) in water resources systems are provided. The main tool of FST, the membership function, measures the degree...

Bayesian Decision Theory and Fuzzy Sets Theory in Systems Operation
Operation of Water Resources Systems involves complex set of human decision. Many of the parameters involved in systems operations are random functions of time. Sometimes, the data needed...

Bayesian Decision Principles for Flood Warnings
A Bayesian theory of flood warning systems has been formulated. The theory offers principles for mathematical modeling of warning systems. The objectives of modeling are (i) to find the...

Comparison Between the Field and Laboratory Measured Properties of a Clay Liner
Hydraulic conductivity (K) and bulk density (BD) of an experimental clay linear were evaluated at a large number of locations using standard methods. They were then compared to laboratory...

Groundwater Modeling of the Tustin/Irvine Basin
This paper describes the results of groundwater modeling in the Tustin/Irvine basin situated in the southeastern portion of the Tustin plain, which is the the southern extension of the...

Spatial Averaging of Statistically Anisotropic Point Conductivities
This paper presents a new technique to compute the mean, variogram and cross-variograms of the components of block conductivity tensors given the statistical distribution of point conductivities....

Application of the GRASS Geographic Information System in a Sensitive Environment of the Arkansas River Navigation System
A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to assist the selection of environmentally sensitive dredge material disposal sites along the Arkansas River Navigation System. Maintenance...

Identification of Aquifer Parameters in Confined Groundwater Flow
The logarithm of the aquifer properties, log transmissivity (log T) and log storativity (log S), are regarded as realizations of stochastic processes whose estimates are required. The...

Numerical Model Study of Groundwater Movement in an Aquifer of Bangladesh
Annual groundwater level variation in the aquifer of the Mymensingh-Tangail area of Bangladesh was simulated by applying an implicit finite-difference model of groundwater flow. The groundwater...

Optimization of Freshwater Inflow to Estuaries
This paper presents a methodology that can be used for determining the optimal freshwater inflows into bays and estuaries for the purpose of balancing freshwater demands with the harvest...

The Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems
In July of 1988, the US Bureau of Reclamation awarded the University of Colorado a 4 year, 4 million dollar Cooperative Agreement for the development of a Center of Excellence in the Application...

Ship It By GIS
Abkowitz, Cheng and Lepotsky describe a GIS system for routing hazardous materials shipments. The safe transport of hazardous materials is emerging as a significant concern impacting local,...

Application of Interactive Videodisc for Work Zone Traffic Control Training
This paper describes the development of the Interactive Videodisc Training (IVT) system and a training course on work zone traffic control. The IVT system uses a microcomputer-controlled...

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Transportation Engineering
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the new frontiers for microcomputers in transportation. There are AI applications emerging in all areas from planning to maintenance. This paper...

Regional Traffic Assessment for Major Growth
This paper presents the methodology and findings of a major regional transportation analysis. The results of the study lead to the development of a Transportation Improvement Plan for...

Tri-County Based Travel Demand Forecasting Analyses in the Tampa Bay Area, State of Florida
This paper describes the application of the micro-computer compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) to estimate traffic volume for the purpose...

Integrated Transit Network Analysis
As part of an update of the Boston, Massachusetts regional transit simulation process, the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) has implemented a microcomputer-based integrated...

ORNL Light-Duty Vehicles PC System
This data system, designed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), monitors information on every light-duty vehicle (automobiles...





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