A Shallow-Draft Icebreaker for the Upper Niagara River
The New York Power Authority (Authority) designed and built a special purpose, shallow-draft icebreaker in 1986 and 1987 for use in the upper Niagara River. The icebreaker is used during...

Radar Monitoring of Ice on the Upper Niagara River
A standard marine radar was used during the winter of 1987-88 to evaluate its potential to monitor the presence and movement of ice in the Grass Island Pool area of the upper Niagara River....

Treatment of Unstable Foundation Areas in Alaska's Pavement Management System
In the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Pavement Management System (PMS) unstable foundation areas are defined as sections of roadway that experience...

The PowerBargeTM for Lock/Dams on Inland Waterways
Following a brief description of the prefabricated floating PowerBarge concept, the range of application and expected cost and time savings is presented. Environmental benefits are described...

Optimization Models for Acid Rain Control
A series of related optimization formulations are presented for developing and analyzing acid rain control strategies. These models span a wide array of approaches and reflect a similarly...

Screening Emissions Control Measures
Under the new Clean Air Act, electric utilities will be able to choose from a wider range of sulfur dioxide emissions control options than in the past. Among the newly available measures...

Hydropower in the Upper Ohio River Basin: A Decade of Effort at Risk
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued licenses on September 27, 1989 for construction of 16 hydroelectric projects in the Upper Ohio River Basin after up to 8 years of...

Environmental Aspects and Compliance Costs of Hydropower Regulation
Recent experiences by American Electric Power with respect to mitigation at hydroelectric project sites on the upper Ohio River indicate that compliance with environmental regulations...

Brule Project Spillway Rehabilitation and Expansion
Brule Hydroelectric Project is located near Florence, Wisconsin, on the Brule River about 1.5 miles upstream of its confluence with the Michigamme River. The 80 year old dam developes...

Automation of Union Electric's Hydro-Power Plants
Union Electric Company is spending twelve million dollars on Electronic Control and Monitoring equipment at two of their hydro-electric plants (a total of twenty-seven generating units)...

Acid Mine Drainage: An Overview
In the United States, acid mine water adversely affects over 6,500 km (4,000 miles) of rivers and streams. This is, however, a significant improvement over the situation two decades ago....

Overview of Acid Mine Drainage Control Strategies
Since 1970, regulations requiring proper overburden sampling techniques to obtain representative geologic profiles and outline specific overburden analysis to determine acid-producing,...

The Pittsburgh MAGLEV Project
A passenger transportation crisis exists in the United States which experts predict will only worsen, wasting billions of U.S. dollars. Magnetic Levitation (MAGLEV) is a promising new...

Ash Disposal at Coal Creek Station
This paper outlines the effort of two utilities to minimize the impact of an 1100 megawatt lignite fired plant's waste stream on the environment. Current regulations, poor...

The Growing Meet Market
The Delaware cities of Dover and Wilmington are only 5 mi apart. Their combined populations barely exceed 100,000. Yet each city is planning to build a new convention center to corner...

Vine Street Reborn
Following decades of controversy and a four-year construction effort that threatened to drive both engineers and local motorists crazy, Philadelphia's Vine Street reopened...

Dallas' Flood Caverns
Dallas' North Central Expressway floods during heavy rains, but the dense development that helps create excessive runoff also precludes large detention ponds. The high-quality,...

The Boundary Element Method in Engineering Practice
The boundary element method (BEM) provides an excellent basis for the development of integrated design and analysis systems. The technique possesses the advantages of simple model generation,...

Development of the GA-4 and GA-9 Legal Weight Truck Spent Fuel Shipping Casks
General Atomics (GA) is developing two legal-weight-truck spent-fuel shipping casks for transporting commercial reactor spent fuel. The GA-4 pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) and the GA-9...

Multiple Event Considerations for Postclosure Seismic Hazard Evaluations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Postclosure waste canister design requirements suggest the values used for seismic design have less than a 10% chance of being exceeded in a 1,000 year postclosure period. Considerably...





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