3-D Modelling of Heat Discharge from Ul-Jin Power Plant into Coastal Waters of Korea East Sea
This study focuses on the problems of simulating the coastal currents and their effect on the distribution of heated cooling water from the Ul-Jin power plant into coastal waters of Korea...

A Numerical Model Simulation of Tidal Currents in Long Island and Block Island Sounds
A case study evaluating the predictive capability of a hydrodynamic model of Long Island Sound is presented. The model is a time dependent, three-dimensional, primitive equation, estuarine...

Effects of Wind on Circulation in Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied previously (Vemulakonda and Butler 1989) to Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors to determine tide and wind-induced circulation. The model...

Hurricane Camille Shelf Wave Simulation Using a Numerical Ocean Circulation Model
The hurricane generated shelf waves for Hurricane Camille (1969) are studied using a three-dimensional, thermodynamical, primitive equation, ocean circulation model developed at Princeton...

Two-Dimensional Circulation Modeling of the Pamlico River Estuary, North Carolina
A two dimensional, vertically averaged, unsteady flow model was applied to a 50- kilometer reach of the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina. The model computational grid, which consists...

A Semi-Implicit Finite Difference Model for Three-Dimensional Tidal Circulation
A semi-implicit finite difference formulation for the numerical solution of three-dimensional tidal circulation is presented. The governing equations are the three-dimensional Reynolds...

Modeling 3-D Circulation Using the DSS Technique
The direct stress solution (DSS) technique allows a numerical internal mode solution for the vertical variation of shear stress, rather than velocity, in a three-dimensional circulation...

DYNLET1: Network Model for Tidal Inlet Dynamics
This paper introduces DYNLET1, an efficient, versatile, and accurate one- dimensional numerical model for computing tidal flow in a system of interconnecting channels and bays. Drawing...

Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling of Lower Green Bay
A confined disposal facility (CDF) for dredged material presently exists in lower Green Bay, Wisconsin. A planned expansion of the CDF is being studied to assess its impact on current...

Numerical Simulation of Tidal Flow in Shallow Water Bay by Finite Difference Method
A two-dimensional finite difference numerical model to solve the vertically integrated non-linear shallow water equations has been developed using an Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI)...

Impact of Breakwater Removal on Hydrodynamics and Water Quality in Flushing Bay, New York
Hydrodynamic and water quality models were used to simulate the potential effect of removing a breakwater to increase flushing and improve water quality in Flushing Bay, New York City....

Sensitivity of Flow and Salt Transport to Uncertainties at Open Boundaries: A 3-D Experience
Understanding the transport due to tidal and sub-tidal exchange processes enables many environmental issues in estuarine systems to be addressed. To achieve this goal, a reliable numerical...

A Modified Adjoint Method for Inverse Eddy Viscosity Estimation for Use in Coastal Circulation Models
The adjoint method is used to develop an objective analysis technique for estimating the vertical eddy viscosity used in three dimensional oceanic models. A cost functional which consists...

A Predictive Model of the Currents in Cleveland Bay
A two-dimensional (depth-averaged) numerical model is proposed to describe the hydrodynamics of Cleveland Bay and is used to investigate the water circulation within the Bay. By utilizing...

Pollutant Transport Modelling in Large River Plumes
The Niagara River plume in Lake Ontario and the Fraser River plume in the Strait of Georgia are of similar spatial dimensions, and arise from rivers with comparable discharge. Both rivers...

Innovative Reregulation Weirs
Since their construction, hydropower dams have generated more than just power for the Tennessee Valley Authority, they also generated concerns about their effects on river flow and aquatic...

Grouting Against Hazwaste
Grouting has only recently entered the hazardous-waste arena, mainly in the form of positive cutoff slurry walls. At an industrial landfill near Niagara Falls, N.Y., a three sided, single-line...

Better Cover-Ups
Designing the final cover for a solid waste landfill or remediation site is often trickier than designing its lining because a cover will undergo more unpredictable stress and distress...

Earthquake Considerations in Earth Dam Design
In 1963, the writer was engaged by the State of California Department of Water Resources to make a study of the influence of the hazard of earthquakes on the design of embankment type...

Piping in Earth Dams of Dispersive Clay (Paper introduced by Norman L. Ryker)
In 1971 Jim Sherard was engaged to investigate the common failure of a group of Soil Conservation Service (SCS) floodwater retarding earthfill dams built between 1957 and 1970, eleven...





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