Grouting Against Hazwaste
by Ken Weaver, (A.M.ASCE), Grouting Specialist; Woodward-Clyde, Oakland, CA,R. M. Coad, (M.ASCE), Sr. Project Engr.; Woodward-Clyde, Plymouth Meeting, PA,
K. R. McIntosh, Assoc.; Woodward-Clyde, North Tonawanda, NY,
Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1992, Vol. 62, Issue 5, Pg. 70-72
Document Type: Feature article
Grouting has only recently entered the hazardous-waste arena, mainly in the form of positive cutoff slurry walls. At an industrial landfill near Niagara Falls, N.Y., a three sided, single-line grout curtain has increased the effectiveness of such continuously pumping recovery wells. The wells extract large volumes of ground water to be treated. The curtain reduces the inflow ground water from outside the site. For 40 years, industrial-process wastes, such as fly ash, sodium salts, barium, calcium and sodium chlorides, were disposed in the Necco Park landfill. The owners, E. I. du Pont de Nemours Inc., of Wilmington, Del., closed the site in 1977 upon discovering evidence of ground-water contamination. They commissioned a series of hydrogeologic and water quality investigations and had the recovery system installed down-gradient from the site in 1982. Since the grout curtain has been installed, preliminary results of geohydrologic monitoring of the grouting operations indicate that the curtain is functioning well and that the efficiency of the ground-water system has improved.
Subject Headings: Grouting | Groundwater | Wells (water) | Water quality | Sodium | Site investigation | Landfills
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