The Bowhead Whale and Offshore Petroleum Operations in the Arctic
Eskimos, environmentalist groups, and government agencies have stated their concerns about possible effects on the bowhead from offshore petroleum operations. These concerns fall into...

A New Method for Effective Beach-Fill Design
Beach nourishment with sand fill has been extensively used to restore recessional beaches, but the success of this method has been variable due to a poor understanding of sediment dispersion...

Dune Construction on Perdido Key, Alabama
In recent years, the Alabama coast has experienced significant pressures for development. To make development compatible with beach preservation, the Alabama Department of Environmental...

Some Econological Observations on Coastal Plant Communities, of New York and New Jersey
The present study was conducted at three coastal sites, Fire Island, New York, Fort Tilden, New York, and Sandy Hook, New Jersey. Four plant communities, the salt marsh community, sand...

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Ocean Monitoring Program?An Introduction to Environmental Aspects of the Engineering Design Process
A model describes how determinations can be made on the effects of an engineered work or product in the environment. The engineered work can be a new waterway, a wastewater diffuser system,...

Mitigating Environmental Losses Through Project Planning
A significant amount of industry effort goes into project planning prior to preparation and submission of a permit application. Baseline studies are conducted, including preparation of...

Modification of the Sedimentary Environment During Construction of the Hart-Miller Island Diked Disposal Facility
The state of Maryland contracted for the construction of a diked disposal facility. Research investigations were conducted to assess the impact of the dike construction on the environment...

Experimental Study on Sandbag Stability and Runup
Sandbag model tests are performed in a wave flume to examine the effects of berm-type slopes on the stability of sandbags and wave runup as compared to uniform slopes. Measurements of...

Building in Space
Work on the nation's first permanently manned space station has begun. Almost $200 million in contracts for conceptual design for the station were awarded by the National...

Effects of Vehicles on Buried, High-Pressure Pipe
The mechanical effects of selected types of traffic on buried, high-pressure steel pipe are examined. Particularly considered is a section of the Colorado Interstate Gas (CIG) pipeline...

Metal and Plastic Pipelines: Design and Construction Aspects
This paper discusses design and construction aspects of four cross-country pipelines that were built in central Alberta, Canada during 1982-1983. The first two pipelines, carrying different...

The Evolution of Jointing Vitrified Clay Pipe
Advances made in the jointing of vitrified clay pipe during the last half century, illustrate the concern of the clay pipe industry to provide top quality jointing methods. Early 19th...

Investigations into the Structural Performance of Clay Pipes
Over the past 8 years, the Clay Pipe Development Association (CPDA) has commissioned non-destructive physical testing of vitrified clay pipelines. The diameters of the pipes have varied...

Experiences in Concrete Pipeline Construction in Ontario 158-1985
The paper discusses the title subject in terms of concrete pipe fabrication methods and plants, pipe jointing and jointing materials, and construction experiences in the Province of Ontario,...

A Practical Approach to Selection of Waterline Materials for Use in Expansive Soils
The authors previously investigated the performance of asbestos-cement, polyvinyl chloride and ductile iron pipe in the expansive soil environment. Expansive soil forces on the pipe were...

Bending Moment of Underground Flexible Pipes in a Centrifuge
The effect of several factors on bending moment of an underground flexible pipe section buried in a ditch with sheet piling was investigated experimentally by means of centrifugal model...

Stiffness Requirements for HDPE, Profile Wall Pipe
For the past two years the Gulf Oil Corporation has sponsored a research study on profile wall High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe at Texas A & M University. A pipe design computer...

Investigation of the Long-Term Creep Modulus for Buried Polyethylene Pipes Subjected to Constant Deflection
The tests reported in this paper are simulating the stress relaxation in constantly deflected pipe rings of various high density and medium density polyethylene grades. The pipe rings...

The Relative Strain as a Design Criterion for Buried uPVC Gravity Sewer Pipes
When designing buried plastic sewer pipes, the relative strain caused by deflection of the circular pipe section is of particular interest. The reason for increased interest is the present...

Determining the In-Place Density of Soils Using the Sleeve Method
The sleeve method of determining the in-place density was developed by Bureau of Reclamation field personnel for cohesionless, fine, gravel soils used for pipe bedding when other methods...





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