Nine Years' Service with Deep Polymer Impregnation
A test installation of deep polymer impregnation was applied to a heavily traveled bridge deck in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in 1975. The deep polymer impregnation process involved drying...

Tensile Fracture and Fatigue of Cement Stabilized Soil
Portland cement stabilized soil is widely used as a base material for roads, airfields, and similar structures. Cracking in this material is studied using fracture mechanics concepts....

The American Association of Cost Engineers Claims Project
Construction contract disputes, or dressed in their popular nomenclature, 'contract claims', have become an established aspect of the non-residential construction...

Changing Priorities in UK Construction Research
This paper addresses two types of situations to contend with in building assessment: aging structures all built at about the same time and to standards no longer acceptable, and newer...

Research Needs for Extant Iron and Steel Buildings
A brief review of iron- and steel-making processes is background for the development of shapes and codes. Sources of information for the condition assessment of iron and steel buildings...

Masonry Rehabilitation: Practice and Research
The rehabilitation of masonry buildings is a major construction activity in the United States. The available techniques and evaluation methodologies are limited to visual investigation...

Tension-Compression Test of a Concrete Specimen Via a Structure Damage Theory
The concrete sample is assumed to consist of a large number of aggregates and cement paste. Their material properties are assumed to be perfectly elastic. The effective elastic property...

Effect of Voids on Creep Rate and Strength
The classic macroscopic Kachanov-Rabotnov model of material damage due to voids is reviewed. Detailed analyses of bulk mechanical properties of dilutely voided materials with certain,...

Constitutive Theories for Solids with Defective Microstructure
The nonlinear mechanical response of solids is a macroscopic manifestation of the irreversible changes in its microstructure. The most common modes of the irreversible microstructural...

General Continuum Models for Discrete Structures
New knowledge is presented about the structural behavior of a variety of large repetitive lattice configurations of the type appropriate for utilization in cosmic space. Focus is placed...

Small Strain Measurements Using Triaxial Apparatus
This paper presents a detailed testing methodology which can be used to determine the cyclic properties of soils at very small strains using triaxial apparatus. A discussion of specific...

Romanesque Reused
When Union Station in St. Louis, Mo. was built in the 1890s it was the world's largest railroad station. Having been abandoned by the railroads in the 1970s, it was reopened...

Foam Grout Saves Tunnel
Pittsburgh's 81 year old Mt. Washington tunnel has been made safe for many more decades of light-rail transit use, with the use of foamed chemical grout. The job is the first...

Hurricane Alicia
One Year Later
In the pre-dawn hours of August 28, 2983, Hurricane Alicia ripped its way ashore at the western tip of Galveston Island and moved northward to the Greater Houston area. This storm caused...

Design, Construction & Performance of Fades Dam
The project, construction and performance of les Fades dam are described. Les Fades dam is one of the first concrete faced rockfill dams compacted with a vibratory roller. A vibratory...

Weak Rock in Two Rockfill Dams
Two South Australian concrete face compacted rockfill dams, built from soft rock won from each dam site, have performed successfully in service with only small leakage and settlements...

Batang Ai?Transition Zone
The Batang Ai Dam in Sarawak includes two concrete faced rockfill embankments. The transition zone between the concrete face and the rockfill consisted of natural river gravels but some...

It? Dam?Selection of Type
This paper describes the studies carried out for the type of dam selection for the Ita Hydroelectric Project. Drastic rainfall conditions, large river diversion flows and an abundance...

The Upstream Zone in Concrete-Face Rockfill Dams
The upstream zone of small rock, the supporting zone for the slab at many recent concrete-face rockfill dams has contained less than 20% of particles smaller than the No. 4 sieve. Such...

Need a Dependable Backfill?Try a Flowable Fly Ash
Flowable fly ash is a relatively new cementitious structural backfill material. It can be used in water or in the dry and will flow into place without the usual labor-intensive activities...





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