Modeling Support for Stormwater Management
An innovative 'digitization' procedure has been developed and successfully utilized to accurately and economically prepare and manage the extensive amount of...

Muskingum Flow Routing Using Personal Computers
The paper discusses how tedious computations involved in flow routing can be easily implemented on Personal Computers. Parameter estimation and routing calculations for both linear and...

Utility Programs for DWOPER and DAMBRK
Time and computer resources greatly limit potential investigations and sensitivity anslyses. In order to facilitate modeling with the National Weather Service (NWS) programs DWOPER (Operational...

Changing Hydrology - The Middle Mississippi River
Observed daily flow and stage at major stream gages on the middle Mississippi River are numerically and graphically analyzed to quantify and illustrate the magnitude and seasonality of...

An Analysis and Comparison of Probable Maximum Floods with 10,000-year Frequency Floods and Maximum Observed Floods for Spillway Design
The use of deterministic probable maximum floods are supported in part by the conclusions of an Interagency Work Group formed to address the following questions: (1) Is it within the state...

Criteria for Selecting a Reservoir Routing Method
Results of an investigation comparing dynamic and storage reservoir routing applied in dam safety analyses are presented. Outflow hydrographs computed by these reservoir routing methods...

Time Base of a Hydrograph
For design projects in water resources, a hydrograph is commonly used to determine the required flood volumes. The time base of a hydrograph is a crucial parameter in such studies, and...

A Simple Microcomputer Finite Strip Analysis
The development of a finite strip analysis of thin-walled section buckling behaviour is outlined. The analysis uses plate theory for out of plane deflection behaviour and beam theory for...

Flexibly Connected Thin-Walled Steel Frame Response
The static response of flexibly connected plane frames composed of thin-walled steel members is presented. Analysis capabilities include post-local-buckling strength and elastic semi-rigid...

Modeling Dual-Ring Actuated Signals with TRANSYT-7F
Current and potential future methods of using the TRANSYT-7F computer program to model dual-ring actuated traffic signals are discussed. First the problems encountered in using this fixed-time...

Development of Graphics Displays for the Integrated Traffic Data System
This paper describes the development of interactive graphics displays for the Integrated Traffic Data System (ITDS) and provides technical details on the hardware and software considerations...

Freeway Analysis Using A Micro Version of FREQ
FREQ8PE is a freeway corridor simulation model. It is a batch processing mainframe program written in ASCII FORTRAN IV, which performs three basic functions: simulate freeway queueing,...

Traffic Engineering Data Collection Using Custom Equipment and Microcomputer System Equipment and Procedures
This paper presents experience with various traffic engineering data collection equipment and devices. It presents criteria for the development of a general purpose data collection system....

ROADTEST?A Microscopic Traffic and Transit Simulator
A new computerized microscopic traffic simulation model ROADTEST is described. The model a general purpose one, permits simulation of any vehicles including trains and fixed route transit...

Real Time Vehicle Systems Monitoring
The system, which has recently been developed, consists of onboard vehicle micro-processor monitoring, data reduction and transmission components, a VHF or satellite communications link,...

ITEEMS: Reducing Mainframe Systems to Micro-scale
The Integrated Traffic Engineering and Enforcement Monitoring System (ITEEMS) is a microcomputer-based system which has an on-line display and analysis of accident records by street intersection,...

Highway Accident Collision Diagrams on a Microcomputer
Collision diagrams of highway accidents are schematic exhibits that illustrate the location of each accident with respect to the highway geometric features. The types of accidents; such...

Conversion of the MIDAS Accident Analysis Model
The MIDAS (Michigan Dimensional Accident Surveillance) System has been developed to provide accident analysis capability. A microcomputer version of MIDAS is being developed to make the...

KSLAD: A Traffic Accident Data Analysis Program
Originally developed to run within the dBASE III (tm) operating environment, Kansas Local Accidents Database (KSLAD) has since been upgraded to operate under dBASE III Plus (tm). Work...

Highway Safety Analysis and Monitoring
The Highway Safety Analysis and Monitoring (HISAM) software was developed under a Federal Highway Administration research contract and is designed to aid local agencies with data base...





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