CPT Indexing of In Situ OCR in Clays
Cone penetration tests may be used to index the in situ preconsolidation pressure in clay deposits. A specified relationship between C//u/ sigma //vo and the overconsolidation ratio (OCR)...

Lateral Stress Measurement During Cone Penetration
A lateral stress sensing cone penetrometer (LSSCP) was designed and fabricated. Based on the results of calibration chamber tests in sand, relationships between measured lateral stress,...

The Pressuremeter for Foundations: French Experience
The paper presents historical information on the development of the pressuremeter and its application in the Laboratories Central des Ponts el Chaussees (LCPC). The continuous research...

In Situ Tests on a Florida Peat
A geotechnical exploration program at a site predominated by surface peats has been performed. The study encompasses the performance of in situ field tests and laboratory soil tests. Field...

Field Study of Specialized Bacteria for Nitrification
A full scale field study using specialized bacteria was conducted to determine its effectiveness in achieving nitrification while quantifying dosage rates. A side-by-side comparison of...

Aerated Static Pile Composting of Wastewater Sludge: A Field Study in Longmont, Colorado
This is a report of experimental work at the Longmont wastewater plant at Colorado, on aerated static pile composting of wastewater sludge. 61% of the sludge mass used in compost piles...

Development of Data Quality Indicators for Indoor Air Pollution Measurements
Indoor air quality measurements pose a unique problem for the application of traditional Quality Assurance/Quality Control approaches. The lack of reference methods and materials in some...

Clay Liner Hydraulic Conductivity: Comparison of Field & Laboratory Tests
Clay liner hydraulic conductivities at three hazardous waste landfill cells in Oklahoma and Utah were measured in the laboratory and in the field during construction. Prior to construction...

Effect of Particle Size on Sludge Dewaterability
Using a modified Buchner funnel apparatus to measure specific resistance and a sequential centrifugation/filtration procedure to fractionate a sludge, it was possible to more precisely...

An Evaluation of Sediment Resuspension Parameterizations
The recent attention to managing surface water toxic substances has resulted in a number of modeling approaches, all of which to a great or lesser extent require accurate treatment of...

Coupling Free Vortex Energy Dissipation with Sediment Control
The paper reports on studies showing that sediment control down to the abrasive limit of 30 micron sand and energy dissipation can be achieved simultaneously with a Teacup free vortex...

Behavior of Sediment-Laden Plumes on Steep Slopes
The near field behavior of dense, sediment-laden flows on steep slopes was investigated as part of a study of mine tailings disposal. A literature review indicated that field and laboratory...

Water Requirements for Range Plant Establishment
A conceptual model was developed which describes a series of pathways or transition sequences which a seed or seedling may follow during the initial wet-dry-wet periods after planting....

Dredged Material Disposal in the Lower Great Lakes
The Buffalo District Corps of Engineers is responsible for dredging the harbors in Lakes Erie and Ontario. Approximately 2,000,000 cubic yards (1,529,000 cubic meters) of material are...

Modification of the Step Drawdown Test for Pump Selection
This paper suggests a slightly modified mathematical model for pump tests whose aim is to design the correct pump for a well. The advantage of the model presented is that it incorporates...

Water Quality and Hydrodynamics in a Shallow Lake
Hydrodynamics and water quality are closely coupled in a shallow lake via horizontal transport and sediment resuspension. The latter process is examined thru modeling and in situ field...

Submerged Vanes for Sediment Control in Rivers
A procedure is developed for a rational design of a system of submerged vanes for depth control in alluvial-river channels. The vanes are vertical, small-aspect ratio foils installed on...

Effect of the Fluid Velocity on the Biofilm Development
In order to get basic information concerning the application of a biological treatment to the ammonia nitrogen removal from drinking water, we considered the relation between the biofilm...

Laboratory Model Studies of Flood Wave Propagation
Laboratory investigations of unsteady free-surface flow with various combinations of channel and flood conditions were performed. A 72 ft (21. 9 m) long tilting flume was modified to make...

Physical Habitat Simulation and the Moveable Bed
One objective of an instream flow analysis is to quantify a flow that will maintain the existing channel and/or flush fine material from the bed. Five empirical approaches to determine...





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