Scheduling and Cost Control for the Pittsburgh LRT
Like most American cities, Pittsburgh has had a long history of public transportation utilizing street cars. Conversion to a modern light rail transit (LRT) system will occur in two stages,...
Organization for Construction of a Rail Transit Project
The Long Beach-Los Angeles rail transit project is part of an on-going transit development process by the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission (LACTC) in which the Long Beach-Los...
Rail Transit Construction Readiness: The Evolving MARTA Organization
A rail transit project is a complex undertaking involving thousands of people, expending millions of dollars and ultimately taking years to accomplish. The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit...
Cultivating Community Confidence?The Key to Success or Failure
A successful community participation program proved to be the turning point for federal approval of the Buffalo, New York rapid transit project. This paper details that citizen involvement....
Project Management for the Upper Harlem Electrification Project
The Upper Harlem Electrification Project consists of a 28 mile extension of 700 V. D. C. under-running third (current carrying contact) rail electrification from North White Plains, New...
Philadelphia Center City Commuter Connection
The Philadelphia Center City Commuter Connection, a 330,000,000 urban transit project has been completed on schedule within a budget variance of 2% of the estimated cost. This is an accomplishment...
Budget and Schedule Control?The Critical Issues
The increase of activity together with often difficult budgets and schedules in busway and rail transit projects since 1960, has made the processes of project control for these projects...
Cable Car Renovation Project: On Time and on Budget
San Francisco Municipal Railway officials had originally expected it would take three years to renovate the nine miles of deteriorated trackway and restore and seismically upgrade the...
Operations Improvement through Product Evaluation
Transit Managers today are involved in a battle to maintain the quality of their systems. This paper takes a close look at several problems and then suggests a cure that can be effective...
MBTA Red Line Extension Operating Plan
Completion of the MBTA's 3. 2 mile Red Line Rapid Transit Extension is scheduled for 1985. When completed, the seven year 574 million project will add three new stations to...
Classification of Human Errors
Error control should be a primary part of any risk control strategy. Classification of errors may serve as a basis for the systematic analysis to eliminate the causes and to reduce the...
Random Vibration Techniques
The paper presents a review of random vibration techniques for analyzing dynamic systems from the perspective of applicability to structural engineering. Problems involving linear or nonlinear,...
A Damage Function Using Structural Response Measurements
A new damage function is proposed that expresses seismic damage in terms of the range and number of cycles of plastic deflection experienced by a structure. This and other damage functions...
Finite Element Methods in Structural Safety Studies
The use of finite element methods in structural safety studies is discussed and recent work in the area is briefly reviewed. Formulation for a first-order stochastic finite element method...
Concepts and Methods in Reliability-Based Structural Optimization
This paper presents an overview of the major concepts and methods used in reliability-based structural optimization. New formulations related to multicriteria optimization are developed....
Evaluation of Structures by Dynamic Load Testing
The Frequency Sweep Method for the evaluation of structures by dynamic load testing was developed by the senior author. It is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method that was originally...
Damage Model for Buildings Subjected to Earthquakes
A model based on random vibration method is developed for assessing building damage to earthquakes. The damage of reinforced concrete structures is expressed as a linear combination of...
Stochastic Beams on Elastic Foundation
The finite difference method is applied to the second-moment analysis of beams on elastic foundation with random characteristics. The method is simpler than the stochastic finite element...
Loads Due to Human Movements
The live loads due to human actions are random functions being modeled from data obtained from tests to determine load histories for the actions of individuals and small groups of people...
Probability-Based Load Criteria for Structural Design
Load criteria for use in limit states design of structures are developed using probabilistic methods. Statistical data on load and strengths are integrated by the reliability analysis...
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