Managing Government Contracts: Tips to Keeping Your Sanity
The key to managing large government projects is to divide it into smaller manageable pieces and organize it accordingly. Government projects are unique in that they require much more...

Partnering in Water Resources Planning in Florida
This paper discusses successful partnering efforts by the Corps of Engineers in water resources development in Florida. The partnering involves the Corps, local project sponsors and other...

Public Process in Fresno/Clovis Water Supply Plan
Groundwater is the principal reservoir for the Fresno/Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA) of Central California. However, significant portions of the aquifer are threatened by pesticides and...

Evaluating Environmental Projects
Throughout the Nation, there is increased awareness of and concern for, environmental protection and restoration. Within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, new authorities are providing...

Nonmarket Economic Values for Salmon and Wildlife Resources
Until recently, resource economists primarily focused on measuring the direct net value of fish and wildlife resources, when analyzing management options. And the technical literature...

Economics of Endangered Salmon in the Pacific Northwest
Economic factors play important roles in designating endangered species and the design of recovery plans. Economics is important irrespective of the role it plays in decisions to classify...

Glen Canyon: The Economic Costs
Revenues from power produced at Glen Canyon Dam are used to support Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) purposes, to pay O&M costs, and to repay construction costs. Generation...

The Economic Value of Trout Fishery Management Programs
The contingent valuation method is used to estimate the economic value of a trout fishing day at the Cache la Poudre River in Colorado. In addition, changes in daily economic value and...

Meeting Instream Flow Needs of Lower Colorado River in Texas
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), an agency of the State of Texas, manages the surface waters of the lower Colorado River in Texas. The major water supply source in the lower...

Managing Instream Flows for Salmonid Spawning Habitat
Detrimental sediment related effects on aquatic habitat for anadromous fisheries include (1) deposition of excessive amounts of fine sediments in spawning gravels, and (2) mobilization...

Managing Reservoir Storage for Instream Flow
Two possible approaches to using a portion of reservoir storage to supply instream flows are 1) to determine a fixed amount to be released each year as minimum instream flows and 2) to...

Natural, Cultural, & Environmental Resource Values Influencing Colorado River Basin Management
The Colorado River Basin supplies water to the seven western states of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and California, and to Mexico. Originally the Colorado River...

Wetland Engineering, Design, and Construction: State-of-the-Science and Research Needs
Local, state, and federal agencies, special interest groups, and individual landowners are undertaking wetland construction projects at a feverish pace to mitigate past and anticipated...

An Isolated Wetland Used for Stormwater Treatment
A marsh used for stormwater management showed gradually increasing levels of pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity in the flow path. The system was especially effective in removing suspended...

Innovative Wetlands in Urban Settings Using Dredged Material
As a result of its work in the waterways of the nation, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has restored or constructed wetlands using dredged material in a number of urban/suburban...

Sacramento and Trinity River Systems: A Demonstration of River Temperature Management for the 90's
Drought in Northern California resulted in the potential that summer and early fall, 1992, Sacramento and Trinity River temperatures would exceed critical levels for sustaining salmon...

Development of Bioretention Practices for Stormwater Management
This paper introduces the concept of bioretention as an innovative stormwater quality management practice. Bioretention is a method to treat the first flush of runoff using a combination...

Design Considerations Associated with Bioretention Practices
This paper presents the design requirements of bioretention practices. Bioretention is a stormwater management practice using a combination of retention, native terrestrial vegetation...

Long-Term Performance of Wet Detention Ponds
Wet detention is a technology which has been successfully applied in recent years to improve stormwater runoff quality in urban areas. Since most systems have a short operational history,...

Biological Modeling in the Columbia Basin: An Organized Approach to Dealing with Uncertainty
Development of the Columbia River basin has had a profound impact on its natural resources, particularly species of Pacific Salmon. Passage of the Northwest Power Act of 1980 put in motion...





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