Building on the Coastal Barriers Resource Act
In 1982, the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) was enacted to minimize the loss of human life, wasteful expenditure of Federal revenues, and damage to fish and wildlife and other natural...

The South Carolina Coast II. Development and Beach Management
The variety of development and conservation areas is superimposed on a wide range of erosion and accretion histories. Lack of construction setbacks has contributed to the general but probably...

Dredge Disposal Monitoring by Fourier Shape Analysis
Fourier grain-shape analysis characterizes a population of sediments in terms of the shapes of the grains. The technique of grain-shape analysis has been successfully applied to the area...

Fouling and Wood-Boring Communities Distribution on the Coast of Rio De Janeiro
The paper reports on a study of the dynamics of fouling communities and the distribution of wood-boring organisms along the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which was motivated by the...

The Coastline Between Rio De Janeiro and Cabo Frio
The coastline between Rio de Janeiro and Cabo Frio is characterized by successive long beach arcs, oriented in the East-West direction. The beaches are separated by rocky headlands resulting...

Environment Exploitation by Prehistorical Population of Rio De Janeiro
The specific purpose of this project was to establish the cultural contexts in the area being studied as well as to define the mechanisms of environmental manipulation that were employed...

The CADD Landfill
Designing landfills with CADD, engineers have reduced cut and fill calculations from two weeks to two days. Aerial surveys arrive on magnetic tapes and are loaded into computers by in-house...

Managing a Megaproject
The tunnel beneath the English Channel is an unusual construction project because of the private sector financing of infrastructure as well as the price, $9 billion, and the international...

Selected Papers from Chinese Journals of Structural Engineering
This book is an initial effort to introduce selected papers from journals published by the China Civil Engineering Society to ASCE membership. The twenty papers in this volume were selected...

Steel Structures
The seventy-eight papers included in this volume cover the fifteen sessions generally associated with steel structures presented at the Seventh Annual Structures Congress held on May 1-5,...

Structural Design, Analysis and Testing
This volume contains the papers presented in 21 sessions of the 1989 Structures Congress held in San Francisco. The papers cover a wide range of topics including types of construction...

Monte Carlo Simulations of Uncertainties in Risk Assessments of Superfund Sites Using Crystal Ball?
Most health risk assessments for Superfund sites combine a series of worst case assumptions to derive a 'point estimate' of risk that is 'conservative,'...

Gamma Exposure from Rn Progeny in GAC Units
An investigation into the gamma exposure rate generated by granular activated carbon (GAC) water treatment units focused on ten sites that covered a range of source radon (Rn) in water...

Hazardous Waste Disposal: An Attitudinal Affront
Modern disposal facilities are thorough and conscientious in their methods. Environmentally sound practices are essential to protect the company and its clients from liability. The average...

The Application of Risk Assessment at Hazardous Waste Sites
This paper discusses some of the recent innovative uses of risk assessment at hazardous waste sites. Important developments in both methodology and application are as follows: quantitative...

Risk Assessment for the Multiple Threat from Dioxin Analysis
In this paper, the author focuses on the integrated method of estimating the risks and the evaluation of the risk acceptability based on a systematic classification of all risks involved...

A Practical Approach for Evaluating Environmental Risk
Risk management and assessment techniques are increasingly being used to project public health risks at hazardous wastes sites. Few studies have quantitatively evaluated the environmental...

Radon Resistant New Construction Practices
This paper highlights the basic principles for building radon-resistant houses and it groups the construction techniques into four categories, i.e., the barrier approach, soil ventilation...

Indoor Radon: Site Evaluation
The soil parameters most important in evaluating the indoor radon potential of a building site are the soil radium concentration, the soil-gas radon concentration and the permeability...

Pressure Differences Affecting Radon Entry in New Residential Construction
Various conditions in a house can commonly produce house negative pressures up to 20 Pascals relative to the soil gas pressure. Depressurization of the house relative to the soil gas will...





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